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•[time skip back to when Tanaka ran out of the gym]• ~TANAKA POV~

I rushed out of the gym not wanting to accidentally spill my guts about my sudden feelings towards the girl. But the bad this was that a certain (h/c) girl was walking to the gyms anyways. I had to make my way out of there or she would see me and I can't handle it, I was a blushing mess and i didn't want to embarrass myself in front of her.

As I turned and began to run the other way I heard her call for me.

"Tanaka-San where are you going?" She asked.

I couldn't ignore her. So I turned to her and walked up to her.

"I was going to umm... MY CLASS! I'll um see you later y/n have a good lunch!" I said as I ran off into a direction that was certainly not my class.

What am I doing.. I want her to like me right....

Then I got it. I Tanaka Ryunosuke was going to ask out y/n l/n on a date!- well... technically a hang out first. I didn't want to seem desperate... even though I already am.

•[time skip to after last class]•

Once the day was over i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and pulled it out to check.

[in messages]

Big bird 🕊 (Daichi)
Practice is canceled. Coach and I have personally matters to attend too. Go home and get rest for tomorrow. He have things to do during practice tomorrow and you will want some rest.
(This message has been sent to everyone)

[out of messages]

I smiled. great now I just have to catch up with y/n... where's her class again?

[time skip to when Tanaka finally figured out where her class is]

I opened the class doors hoping to see y/n at her desk but she wasn't in the class. "Hey where is y/n l/n!" I yelled, getting everyone's attention.

"Um she just left like 5 minutes ago... y-you might be able to catch her by the gate if you run!"

"THANK YOU!" I yelled as I ran down the hall. I ran down the staircase from the second floor to the first and saw her at her locker switching her shoes. Once I caught up to her I was ready to ask.

"Um hey y/n."

"Tanaka~San hello!" She said as she gave me a bright smile. I could feel the heat begin to fill my cheeks but I didn't bring any attention to it.

"Hello I have a question for you" I tried to seem as calm as possible but it felt so awkward and I could feel my hands begin to shake behind my back.

"Oh what's your question?" She asked as she closed her locker door and put the lock back on.

"Are you free Saturday? Perhaps?"

"Um..." she said as I waited ' patiently' while I was shaking in my shoes.

"I think I am around lunch time why?"

"THATS GREAT... um would you like to go to a coffee shop with me.. I heard there's a new one in town and I wanted to... hang out with you"

I could see the blush on her cheeks and she tried to turn her head away from me to hide it but it was to obvious.

"S-sure I mean... why not."

I smiled and went to my locker it was on the opposite side from her but at the very bottom row. "Great so why don't we meet at (coffee shop) at around 1pm" I suggested as I changed my shoes.

"Ok sure" she said as she began to walk away.

"Oh are you going home now?" I said as I turned to her once I heard her take a couple steps.

"Yes my house is a little further so I want to be able to get my home work done."

"Why don't I walk you it wouldn't be right to leave you walking by yourself"

"It's fine hinata offered to.. his house is the same way as mine anyways"

"Oh well ok then have a good night... I'll see you tomorrow then"

We waved each other goodbye as I walked to get my bag which I disregarded on the stairs once I saw her.

I began to walk home after.

Author note because I would like to say someone convinced me to continue and I am happy to because I enjoy writing this story.

I won't be able to continue often (like I did in the first place lol) because school starts soon for me and it's my sophomore year in high school.

If you have any suggestions on what you want to happen in this story I will try to add them and I will take any suggestion into consideration.

This stands during this entire book so send in a recommendation any time I really don't mind when.

I hope you have a good rest of your day/ or good night.


Date: 8/27/2022
Word count: 853

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