Chapter 3- the pain dosen't get any better

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Mackenzie's pov:

I woke up in pain an it hurts. I had to get up anyways I got up and walked to my bathroom. then I put on a tank. Then a pink sweater over it to hide the scars. then I put on some leggings. I walked down the stairs. When I did it was fine my dad wasn't there so I got breakfast I got a pop tart. my arm hurts bad very bad from a cut that I got from my stupid dad. I ate my pop tart then went to school. when I got there I saw Nick my boyfriend. Then Brooke got in my face and said U KNOW HE DOESN'T REALLY LIKE U. U R STUPID FAT AND UGLY NO ONE THAT POPULAR WILL EVER LOVE NEVER she shouted in my face to get all attention on us. she slapped me like 5 times. Then took her book and slammed it in my hip. I fell to the ground in pain. Then nick ran to me and helped up and punched Brooke and I mean hard. After that I blacked out. Then I woke up the reason it hurt so bad was because my dad cut me in my hip. By that I mean he through glass at me. So I couldn't take all of this pain.

Brooke's pov:

I was mad because he helped her again and punched me. no one does that like ever. I need to hurt her bad or something. She think she is all that. We'll she's not she is so fat no one should like her.

Nick's pov:

I was so mad when Brooke put her hands on my girlfriend. I'm sick and tired of her doing this to people. I think need to teach her a lesson.

Mackenzie's pov:

We'll I ran home again. I couldn't run that fast thought because it hurt. From when Brooke hurt me in my hip today. I stopped and cried so hard I couldn't stop. When I got home my dad was hiding then came out and slammed into the counter in my hip again all I could do was cry. I want to veg away from him so bad. He scares me bug worse he abuses me a lot. I went up to my room and went to my bed. I wish I died with Maddie. I want to die so bad the only thing keeping me from killing myself is Nick he cares for me. We'll I put on some pajamas and went into a very deep deep sleep.

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