Chapter 13- im okay maybe

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Mackenzie's pov:

I was dying NO NI THIS CANT HAPPEN I NEED TO LIVE. I couldn't breath we'll I herd Brooke say it will be okay but no it's not.

Doctors pov:
I dot know if this girl is going to live. I'm trying really hard to keep her alive.

Brooke's pov:

I couldn't stop crying though. My best friend was dying my called and I told her everything she said to be home at 8:00 it was 7:00 so I stayed for a couple more minutes then left. When I got home I ran up to my room and cried into my pillow as hard as I could.
I fell asleep. then the next day my mon said I needed to go to school. So I walked to school and I was crying hard I couldn't take this anymore

Paige's pov:

I saw Brooke crying really bad. Nia went over to her and kicked and hit her but Brooke didn't do anything about it. I stopped Nia and pushed Nia into a wall she fell and the principal came and said why did I do that I replied by saying she was hurting Brooke really bad. By now tears we're streaming down her face. she just ran away, but I ran after her. I got to her and she just hugged me tight. Do I have my friend back.

Brooke's pov:

I just hugged Paige. I missed her a lot. I told her what happened to Kenzie. Paige looked like she was gonna cry. She said was it because of me. I said I didn't know because I didn't. I told her after school we can visit her. she said she wanted to. So we had our last class Nia was about to sit next to Paige when Paige moved next to me. Nia said what are you doing. then Paige said she was done bullying forever. Nia said that her life was gonna be a wreck now. Step of Nia I said MAKE ME she screamed I just ignored her. WHAT YOUR NOT GOING TO ANSWER YOU USED TO BE A BULLY TO. She screamed right into my face. I changed and I didn't mean to did what u did and when you find out what happen you will too. I said and she just said whatever i don't care.

Paige's pov:

I feel so bad I hope Kenzie is okay. I swear Nia is going to regret what she's doing just like I did I overheard kids saying mean stuff about Kenzie STOP DONT TALK ABOUT HER THAT WAY they said gosh calm down Paige but I couldn't I could've pushed Kenzie to kill herself do you know how bad that feels. I ran to the bathroom balling my eyes out I couldn't take it I need to know what happen to her I was just about to wipe my tears away until Nia and Peyton walked in. Nia said aww why are you crying little Paigey stop plz I'm begging. No Nia got in my face and I got angry I pinned her against the wall then just let go and fell. Then Peyton yanked me up and slammed me into the sink there was blood lots of blood then it went black ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Nia's pov:


Peyton's pov:

Omg I'm gonna get in so much trouble I stopped Nia and pulled her back then the fight started

Brooke's pov:

I had to use the bathroom so I went into the girls room. I saw Paige leaning against the sink there was so much blood I ran and got the princeable he went in there I was in tears. they were streaming down my face I ran and called the ambulance. they took Paige and the princeable asked how this happened I said I have a good guess and pointed to Peyton Nia said she did do it I watched it then I ran to get you and Peyton started to fight me. The. He called her mom she got expelled. I couldn't stop crying school fit cancelled because of what happened I just went home and went to bed.

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