Chapter 18- should I?

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Mackenzie's pov:

I woke up with the sun in my eyes. I got ready not being hot smacked or kicked at all. I think I should turn in my dad. It will hurt me a lot but I have to many scared anyways I got up and put on black leggings a white t-shirt and a brown jacket over it. I walked down the stairs and saw many beer bottles my dad hit me hard like really hard I'm in pain by now. I ran out the door and my dad through a beer bottle at me it cut me in the hand. It hurts I ran farther and I ran into Nick I stopped and I was in tears he hugged me tight. I told him I need to call the cops on my dad.

Nick's pov:

Poor Kenz she's hurt and in pain. tonight I will be outside her house she's calling the cops tonight


Mackenzie's pov:
I walked I the door ran upstairs and called 911
After a 10 minutes I heard sirens my door busted open and my dad ran up to me and started choking me then Nick ran in and pulled my dad off of me my dad punched him in his face I hit my dad. the police separated everyone. Then my dad was arrested. and so..........

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