Chapter 22- im alright

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Mackenzie's pov:

We'll that hurt but I'm fine now. Nick left I went to talk to Lucas. I knocked on his door he answered it. Hey you okay he said. Yeah but what made you act like that I said. I don't know I really like you and I don't want to lose you he said. I'm with Nick now you have to understand I said. Okay he said. Ms. Brooke (owner of orphanage) came into my room. I have big news she said.
What I replied. You and Katie are getting adopted together she said. Yay!! I said. I packed my stuff and they were coming to get us tomorrow so I'm excited and scared I don't want another bad parent if you know what I mean
-----------skip to tomorrow---------------

Katie's pov:

I'm so happy I get to get adopted with Kenz. I'm also kinda scared my last parents through me out. So I hope they like me.

Lucas' pov:

I just heard that Kenzie an Katie are get adopted today. I knock on her door she opened it. What do you want she said. I just wanted to say I'm super sorry and I get it if you don't forgive me I said. But the thing  is I really do feel bad. I guys I'll forgive you she says. Thank you I said. We hugged and then it was time for her to leave.

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