Chapter 14- Im alive

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Mackenzie's pov: I wasn't dead the doctor saved me I was in tears of joys right now Brooke walked in then looked over at me and ran up and hugged me tight she said but you were dead I'm so glade your okay Kenz. Me too I said to her. Paige and me were gonna come but she that kid Peyton slammed her into the sink and she was bleeding really bad. OMG is she okay I said. I don't know Brooke said.

Paige's pov:

I was hurting and weak I couldn't sit up. I lost a lot of blood though. At least I'm okay and not dead. I hope Kenzie is not dead because if she is I will never forgive myself I just want her to live. She was so pretty that's why I bullied her I was jealous. I'm still hurting. I was about to try to sit up before I fell and drifted to sleep.

Brooke's pov;

I hope Paige is okay. What if she isn't I don't know if he is. She did loose lots and lots of blood. I had to go home soon so I got my stuff together. I walked home when I got there I ran to my room and cried into my pillow two of my best friends could have died.

Mackenzie's pov:

I was in pain but I still had to go home so I wouldn't be hurt more. I told the do tee someone is hear to pick me up, but the truth was I had to walk. When I got there my dad would be there in any second. I ran to my room and pretended to do homework. I heard a door open then slammed. MACKENZIE!!! I walked down stairs what I said just making sure you home DONT GET AN ATTITUDE WITH ME YOUNG LADY he said. I wasn't I just said what i said. OH SO NOW YOU WANT TO TALK BACK. He then shoved me into the door and it got harder to breath. I finally got my breath. please stop I said to my dad. IR WHAT he said. he looked so drunk I wanted to punch him. I knew that would be a mistake so I didn't do it. He said OR WHAT. I'm not scared of you and I shouldn't have to be you are the worst dad ever a dad wouldn't abuse he's freaking child now would he I said. After I said I knew it would get bad. he punched me over and over again an there was blood this time. it hurt sometimes I needed my sister so bad. I don't have many friends. I needed someone, but I had no one. No one likes me, not even my dad. It was pretty clear my mom didn't like me. My dad slammed into a wall and all I could do was cry. GO TO YOUR ROOM AND NO DINNER OR BREAKFAST TOMORROW he said. this is why I'm so hungry because I don't get dinner half of the time I need to.

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