Chapter 9- the big storm

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Nick's pov:

I went to Kenzie's. She looked scared there is going to be a storm in 3......2.......1 CCCCCCRRRRRRRAAAAAASSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH
Kenzie screamed.
I wrapped my arms around her and she calmed down we watch movies and it was fun.

Paige's pov:

I invited Nia over and we did our nails. we were trying to come up with a plan. I want Kenzie to feel pain.

Brooke's pov:

Usually I would have Paige over bit we're no longer friends. So I stayed home dancing in my room. I think Im going into dance soon. I can do a lot of spins and I can do a lot of tricks too.

Mackenzie's pov:

I was dancing in the living room cause it's wood and easy to spin on. I want to go into dance because I am really good but my dad will never let me. He is so mean. I danced for 1 hour. Nick woke up and I just kept dancing. I stopped and he clapped we laughed. After I tried to show him some moves he fell down and hit the table. we laughed so hard I couldn't breath. I said how about we find you a new hobby.

Nick's pov:

She's right I do need a new hobby. I don't think dance is my thing. Maybe something else. I got a text from mg friend he asked if I could come over I told him I with Kenzie.

Nia's pov:

Me and Paige we thinking of a plan. we will get her good she will not even be able to show her face at school. She will pay.

Brooke's pov:

I want to dance so I'm gonna I joined this team kinda far but not that much. I really want to be friends with Kenzie but I don't think she will forgive me.

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