Chapter 10- Friends.......

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Brooke's pov:

I'm going to ask Kenzie to be my friend. If she says no I'm okay with that because I bullied her. I feel really bad still about that. so I woke up because it's Monday I hate Mondays. So I got up and went to my bathroom I got ready. I'm wearing black leggings a sweater that's pink and a brown little purse. If I was still popular I would wear a dress and stuff and I hated it a lot anyways. So I took the bus for once and I sat down next to Kenzie. hi I said hey she said back she asked why I took the bus I told her I'm trying new things. I said so do you want to be friends. Really she said Yeah and I'm sorry for bullying you plz forgive me I'm so sorry ju- she cut me off don't worry yeah I'll be your friend. I was so happy so can I tell u something I told her yeah she said I overheard your conversation with Nick about your dad. oh she said don't worry I want tell anybody.

Mackenzie's pov:

So me and Brooke are friends and I'm happy. she likes to dance to. she is joining a dance team. She is a good friend so far. we walked into the school and everyone was looking at us we didn't care someone made their way through the crowed it was Paige and Nia. Paige went to hit me Brooke pushed her into the lookers. Nia went to smack me I kicked her and she fell. me and. Brooke just ran. I don't know if anyone helped them

Hey swaagerz I hoped u enjoyed the chapter I will update soon bye

_ the master swagger

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