Chapter 22- back off

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Lucas' pov:

I was walking to the main park I saw Nick and walked over to him. Hi I said. Um hi do I know you he said. No but I know you and I don't like yo hi said. Wow okay so why he said. You stole my girl from me now I'm just going to let you know this is what happens when I mad I said then I attacked him. I punched him hard. Then he took my arm and flipped me.

Mackenzie's pov:

I knew everything Lucas took my phone I was awake and I followed him. I ran to the boys and separated them. Lucas trough a punch and hit me instead of Nick. He hit me on my head hard. The next thing I know I'm on the ground.

Nick's pov:

WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT WHY I screamed. I meant to hit you he said. We'll you missed you big dummy I continued now I'm taking Kenzie back I said lifting her up. I started to walk to the orphanage. I knocked on the big door and the owner answered the door. OH MY GOSH WHAT HAPPENED she yelled. We'll we should get here better first I said. Good point she said in a panic kinda voice

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