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Elijah had been waiting for over an hour for the doctors to come out with news about Annabelle. He had contacted Klaus first, who contacted everyone else before he himself had the chance to. Klaus was out of the country on business for Anna and the shops she would be opening soon.

There was the distinct contact of leather material quickly making it's way towards Elijah as he paced back and forth in the empty hospital waiting room.

"Elijah!" He raised his head at the sound of his little sister's frightened voice.

"Is she okay, what happened?! Are the babies okay?!" Rebekah and Marcel shot questions at him back to back without giving him time to answer.

"Where's Nik?" Elijah asked.

"He hopped on the jet less than an hour ago, he should be here shortly. Now tell us!" Marcel informed getting impatient. He loved Anna and would give his life for her and especially his future siblings. It would be tragic to lose her again.

"I don't know exactly. We were in the nursery and she started shaking and she told me that she couldn't breathe! I got worried and she lose consciousness so I ran here as fast as I could!" Elijah explains quickly.

"That doesn't make any sense she's been perfectly fine-" Rebekah begins to explain but is cut off by an even more angry Brother.

"What happened, where is she?!" It was Niklaus jogging towards them. He had the most fearful look on his face that Elijah hadn't seen since they were humans and Mikael had hit Annabelle.

"She's in the ICU with Dr.White at the moment. We haven't been informed of anything since she went in." Elijah explains. This was bad. Annabelle had never been in the ICU before. She had never gotten sick in her 1,374 years of being a vampire and the last time she did she was of course still human. And that was..... bad. Like near life death experience bad. But than again, that was before the evolution of evolved medicine.

"Well what the hell happened to her than?" Klaus asked sounding impatient and clearly angered. Elijah explained what had happened up unto when she had passed out. It worried Klaus of what had happened to his wife, he feared not only Anna's life but his unborn children's as well. He hadn't seen Anna glow in years and when they found out about the babies he had seen that glow again. All he wanted was for her to be happy.

The doctor came out of the ICU smelling like freshly sanitized hands and blood. Rebekah and Marcel were the first ones by the doctor's side. "Is Annabelle okay?" Rebekah asked hastily.

"I'm sorry I can only speak to the family of Annabelle." The doctor says simply.

"I'm her bloody sister for christsakes!-" Marcel put his hand on Rebekah's shoulder as he could feel that she was ready to snap this doctor's neck at any moment. He stepped in front with Klaus and spoke.

"Were all her family doc. I'm her... son, this is Rebekah her sister in-law, Elijah her brother in-law and of course you're fully acquainted with her husband Klaus."

Dr.White nodded. "Of course, well currently Annabelle is... stable. But-"

"But what?" Marcel urges. "But her vital signs are the highest I've ever seen in my thirty years of profession. It's a miracle that she even survived the travel here. In fact those kinds of reads would kill the normal human, but than again Annabelle isn't human." She responds simply.

The Mikaelson's along with Marcel's eyes were widened at the information the doctor was giving them about Annabelle's state. But what shocked them the most is the fact that she knew that Annabelle wasn't human and that she said it just as casually as saying a patient's name.

"You know?" Elijah finally says, breaking the awkward silence. "I've known since the moment I analyzed Annabelle Mikaelson's blood, yes." Elijah shakes his head and shuts his eyes for a moment feeling confused.

"Wait... how did you know doctor?"

"You honestly think that I'm going to move to a city full of vampires and Not know they live here as well? Besides, I'm a doctor.... you won't believe the things I've seen." Elijah nodded now understanding what she meant. She's probably seen the worst. Had patients with bites, gashes, bloody ligaments... the whole nine yards.

"You know I don't really know why nor how you know or found out about our desecrated heritage, all I need to know is If my wife and unborn children are going to live or Die?"

The doctor had a faint smile on her lips. She nodded in agreement, she liked the Mikaelson's. Especially Klaus Mikaelson, he was overly protective of his wife and she didn't meet many vampires like him. In fact none were like him.

"Your wife "should" be okay Mr. Mikaelson. She's immortal remember? But... there are.... Complications."

"Complications?" Elijah says. "Yes... Well you see, Annabelle is the first that I've seen of your kind to actually beable to "reproduce" like normal humans. But those babies are literally sucking every once of energy and sustained life that she has left in her. I fear that if they continue on this path... you could lose both her and the babies. Now, I'm not a psychologist but from what I see she has no medical illness per say- at least none that can be detected. Which means that her 'panic attack' was merely mental, possibly some form of... stress or pressure she's under."

"That doesn't make any sense, Anna's been completely fine for months now. I mean she's been a little tired and sore from the babies, but that's normal during pregnancy right?" Rebekah explains.

"You're right it is normal, but there must be something she's not telling you. Something she doesn't want her family to know. Women get stressed and worked up from being pregnant, but never to the point of near death." Dr.White responds.

"You may see her now by the way. She should be awake." Dr.White informs them.

* * *

"I-I don't understand. Why are there complications?!" Annabelle asked obviously heated.

"Honestly that is not something I can be of help to. Whatever it is that's effecting you as well as your babies is purely mental. Apparently, your readings came back dangerously high due to some extreme stress or pressure you're under."

"That's completely ridiculous I've been fine!" Annabelle yells. "Ann please calm down it's not good for the babies." Rebekah reasons.

"Just... get me out of here!" Annabelle threw the pale, eggshell white covers off of her frail body. She wasn't feeling any better now than before she had fainted.

"Mrs.Mikaelson I do not recommend you leaving this facility, it is highly dangerous towards the fetuses."

"Fuck you!"

"Anna?!" They all exclaimed at once, but she ignored them continuing to dress herself and put on here shoes.

"Mrs.Mikaelson please I-" Dr.White tries to protest yet again but is cut off by an unexpected force to the wall. "Listen to me doctor, I am not only a vampire who hasn't fed in two weeks, but I am also pregnant with twins who want to suck the remaining life I have left from the inside out! You really don't wanna make me angry right about now!" Annabelle didn't know, but her eyes had turned into dead coal and her vampire form was showing. She had an ironclad grip on the doctor's throat and all it could've took was a single twist and she would be colder than an icebox at a BBQ.

But she let her go. Annabelle was right. You never want to be on her bad side... ever! She was a pure monster, killing and slaughtering everyone, it surely was not a pretty sight. And now that she was pregnant she'd be even worse if it wasn't for the fact that she's as weak and defenceless as a chicken stuck in a coop.

"Get me out of here Nik, please."

"Where do you want to go?" He asked softly. The question gave her pause.

"Home." She replies almost inaudible.

"Very well I'll-"

"No Nik, I want to go back. Back to my home."

* * *

So Annabelle wants to go back to where it all started for her, back to where she was born, where she was raised with her mother.

Until My Last Breaтн ※ A Niklaus Mikaelson Love Story ※ #2Where stories live. Discover now