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1000+ Years Ago:

The seventeen year old growled in aggravation as another one of her spells failed. Practicing dark magic was dangerous, time consuming, and took far too much energy for such a young witch like Annabella.

But she had been practicing since she was at the age of five. Which made most spells as easy as breathing, but some, like the one she was currently attempting, felt almost impossible.

She leaned against the dusty wall and slumped down to the ground. She didn't want to do this anymore, dark magic was not her. It made her thirsty for power and hungry for knowledge. To know everything, and do anything! But the other part of her wanted more. She wanted love, she wanted to be happy, she wanted.. Him.

The only boy she ever truly loved, whom still haunted her dreams every night for eight years. Though that's what she wanted. To dream of the dirty blonde every night so that she would always remember him. Her mother made her leave him when she was only of her ninth year, forbidding Annabella from ever seeing him again. She didn't even get a goodbye. Only a new sister.

"What are you doing?" She heard a familiar voice ask her in confusion. Lifting her head from her knees she found her mother with a basket of supplies in hand. Annabella got up and took the basket from her,offering to help. "Nothing mother just. . . practicing. Though to no avail it seems." She responded in a tone of defeat.

"That's because you're doing it wrong, Bella." Her mother replied oddly calm. To say she was a perfectionist was a dull understatement. She showed an intense anger whenever, Anna miss pronounced a spell or if it didn't result in how it was meant to. And it usually concluded in the young witch having to endure sever consequences. Once she forced Annabella to sacrifice a horse and take its heart for a spell she was to attempt again and again until it was perfect.

"I did what I could. I'm done for the day." Anna replied feeling flustered from her mother's arrival. "You are done when the spell is perfected. Now do it again!" She said starting to get angry from her daughter's disobedience.

The golden haired witch looked to her mother in complete hatred. "I Will Not!" At the peak of the young witch's anger she unwillingly sent every item in the small cabin airborne. Resulting in a hard thud as the items collide against the wall and she stormed out the door, venturing into the thicket of the woods.

Continuing to walk her mother's words repeated themselves over and over again, but she made a sudden stop when she heard the soft call of her name. Her head snapped in the direction to find her good friend at the time, Alice. She had skin like cotton, hair like coal, and crimson lips. She was a fellow witch like her. They met the year Anna and her mother left and Alice filled part of the huge hole in her heart. At least until she could find way back to the people she loved most.

But the Mikaelsons were the last thing on Annabella's mind. All she could see as she looked upon her friend was her mother. "You okay, Anna?" She approached her friend with ease and analyzed her intensely.

"Was it , Dahlia?" Alice asked knowingly. At the mention of her mother's name Annabella snapped. Her hand raised in an instant causing, Alice to immediately start to choke. She struggled to gasp for breath and plead for mercy, but her words were merely a whisper. With eyes of oxyon she watched the life slowly fade from her friend's eyes. She smiled feeling quite satisfied when she was dead and reached into, Alice's chest to retrieve her still, fresh heart.

Her eyes still empty, the color of burnt coal, she made her way back home. Emotionlessly, she completed the spell, making herself stronger as she took on Alice's powers instantly.

Moments later Dahlia entered the cabin with Freya not far behind. She turned to smile at her mother, reaching her hand out as every candle in the room lite itself. "Are you proud of me now mother?" she asked flatly. When Freya saw her sister she couldn't help but gasp. "Anna.. your eyes." She reacted in shock. Freya never thought that Annabella would give into dark magic.

Though Dahlia had quite the opposite reaction. Oh what a menacing smile it was planted across her heart shaped lips. ~

Present Day:

Another dream. The same one for the past week. Every night I woke up covered in thick layers of sweat. Klaus on some occasions woke me from the reoccurring nightmares. Resulting in him having to hold me in order for my breathing to mellow. I wasn't stupid, I've been a witch long enough to know something was brewing. Or more likely, someone.

If that was possible it couldn't be happening at a even worse time.  Davina would be returning today. After, Hope and Henrik's birth and being attacked we had to postpone Davina's arrival, for her own safety of course. Which meant she was still clueless about the twins.

Nevertheless, I still made sure of it that her room was freshly cleaned and a few items were added to her vastly growing wardrobe. Though other than that nothing was touched since the day she left.

I had talked to her a few days ago, and she seemed so excited about coming home, and about everything she had learned at school. Now, do not mistaken my worry for lack of joy. I was nothing but thrilled to have Davina back with us, and I know for a fact Marcel was ecstatic of the matter,but...

Something was wrong.

I felt it..in my bones. In my structure. In my core. Everywhere.~

"Davina!" Annabelle called as the young witch ran towards her, leaving her suitcases behind, and engulfed Anna in a tight hug. While the two girls reunited, Marcel packed the car with Davina's luggage, patiently waiting his turn.

"Marcel!" Davina yelled as she released Annabelle and quickly jumped into his arms. She had missed the duo more than ever during her time in Brookfield, Wisconsin. Though Davina had to admit, she would miss the new friends she made there, and the school all together. She had learned so much!

"Davina, come! We have quite a surprise waiting at home!

"So where's the surprise?" Davina asked excitedly. "Well actually its two!" Annabelle corrected and called for Klaus to come down with the 'gifts'. "Two? Wow you guys didn't ha_" Davina's sudden statement was cut off when she saw Klaus approach the stairs with a baby boy in his arms. Not far behind was Rebekah, with a baby girl. They couldn't have been more than six months old each."

"Who are they?" The teenage witch asked breathlessly. Annabelle took the little boy from Klaus' arms. "This is Henrik and his sister, Hope. Their twins." Annabelle said happily.

"Our twins."

Until My Last Breaтн ※ A Niklaus Mikaelson Love Story ※ #2Where stories live. Discover now