I Always Keep My Word

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So, I survived my first 3 weeks of school!😬 I love you guys so much, I'm sorry about the long wait, but it's about to get interesting from here on out, trust me! ;)

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"You Fondle My Trigger, Then You Blame My Gun.."

"If you two are gonna impede me, then you can wait at the mansion for our return! If not, hurry up! I can feel them." Anna yells at the three Originals in agitation. She was currently following the pull she felt. She could literally feel the new borns presence.

Arriving at the cemetery the Originals could hear the growing chants of the witches clearly. They all stopped in their tracks when they saw an Atheme perfectly positioned in Genevieve's hands to penetrate the newborn girl.

"No!" Annabelle yelled, Elijah on cue lunged a rustic vase towards Genevieve. "You go against one of us. You go against all of us!" Monique and Abigail started causing aneurysms to the four vampires. Annabelle sprinted to her right, separating from the others.

Just as she got away a certain witch popped up blocking her way to Genevieve. "Celeste!" She growled in annoyance as she got her bearings from being flown into a mausoleum by the witch's spirit.

The fight between the four Originals and the witches was becoming astonishingly hard. The weren't just going against three ordinary witches, but instead generations and generations of their coven. After only a few minutes the vampires were at the witches' mercy. Finding themselves all on their knees in agonizing pain.

Monique took this as her opportunity to end the fraternal twins once and for all. She held the dagger into her tight grip and raised it perfectly positioned over the infant girl's heart, but before she could attempt to end her she was struck down by a shuriken!

"Marcel..." Rebekah says breathlessly as she looks upon the face that saved the twins. Noticing that her aneurysm was gone Annabelle turned to find that Genevieve had fled the scene.

"That bitch! Nik, get the twins to the mansion, I'll be back later!" Without another word she sped off headed for the witch, but was back facing Marcel in the blink of an eye. She suffocated him in a warm embrace.

"Thank you, my son. You saved them." And she was off yet again, leaving a black mist in her wake.~

The sky was dark and gloomy, completely devoid of it's mystical clouds. The last witch was hectically gathering supplies for a cloaking spell. Trying to hide from a postpartum, bloodthirsty, witch, and mother was not an easy task. Especially when you're the reason she wants blood.

"Leaving so soon?" A familiar voice spoke behind Genevieve, making her jump and goosebumps emerge on her skin. She gulped outta fear, her throat suddenly went dry, her feet were literally pinned to the ground there was no use in fighting.

"There's no point. You'll find me either way." Annabelle nodded in agreement with a slight smirk plastered to her face. "Hm you're assumption is correct. Though I'm not cruel, I'll give you a head start if you'd like." She replies circling around the redhead and stopping in front of her.

Genevieve shook her head, rejecting the offer entirely. "I'd rather not run. I've seen the error of my ways and... I'm sorry." She says hesitantly, but genuinely. The apology gave Annabelle pause, but after a few moments she laughed. "You're sorry? Tell me...have you have ever taken a child's life with your bare hands? Have you ever watched how the twinkle of light...and pureness in their eyes fades away while you hold them helplessly in your arms? You have no idea of what sorry really means. But, I always keep my word, I shall show you what sorry means to be."

The hazel color in Annabelle's eyes slowly faded to black, her lips curled into a mischievous grin as Genevieve started to scream. She would proudly grant her with the gift of feeling the worst pain known to man. Minutes later the witch started to bleed from her eyes, nose, as well as mouth. Just then Annabelle stopped inflicting pain on the witch and stepped in front of her.

Genevieve let out yet another bloodcurdling scream as Annabelle gazed at her with coal colored eyes and thrusted her fist through her lower abdominal. Pulling out the redhead's intestines she wrapped them around her neck and strangled her with them.

Annabelle tightened her grip when Genevieve tried to fight her and struggled for a gasp of breath. But surely it was no use, for the witch's fate had already been decided earlier that evening. And so Annabelle let her lifeless body drop to the ground in a hard thud. She crouched down beside the redhead as her black orbs transformed into their original hazel. She analyzed her eyes that gazed back at her with nothingness, they appeared to be dark and empty, truly hollow.

Standing up Annabelle looked back once more before sitting the corpse to flames.~

Klaus walked back and forth on the same stretch of carpet feeling anxious. It seemed the roles had reversed in their marriage. Where as Annabelle was usually the anxious one of the family, it seemed now Klaus was the uneasy one. The last time he saw Annabelle was yesterday. Rebekah, Elijah, Marcel, and even the little wolf Hayley had been badgering him all day to stop his worrying.

He had denied feeding, painting, talking, and he hadn't even snuck a peak at his new borns. He wouldn't dare hold his children without the love of his life present.

"Never in a thousand years would I think to see the great Niklaus Mikaelson uneasy." Klaus' excessive pacing came to an abrupt stop at the sound of a voice he knew too well. "You didn't think I wouldn't show did you?" Annabelle asked with a visible smirk as she leaned against the arch in the doorway. Within a blink of an eye she was stood in front of her relieved husband.

"Not exactly. You still have a promise to uphold, love." Annabelle smirk grew as she wrapped her arms around Klaus and kissed him passionately. Sadly, Klaus was the first to break away from is very tempting wife. "As much as I'd love to ravish you at this moment-" Annabelle's seductive smile faded into fear and concern. "Are they-"

She didn't have to finish, Klaus sped into the first nursery. Annabelle approached the crib cautiously, she gasped slightly and the sight of the gift in her presence. Klaus gently handed the baby boy over to his wife. He watched her hold him in admiration, the infant had been wrapped in a silk baby blue blanket when he arrived home by Rebekah of course.

A sudden tear rolled down Annabelle's cheek, but she wiped it away immediately. "You haven't named him yet have you?" She asked gently with hope in her eyes. Klaus shook his head, "No, I thought we'd decide together." He replies sweetly.

"I think I know what I want to name him. I know I told you you could name him, but can I..please?" Klaus took a moment to think and soon a smirk spread across his lips. "As you wish,love, but- I get to name the girl." He says with a mischievous tone.

Annabelle giggled with a subtle nod. "I guess it's only fair. What was the name you had in mind?"


He replies after taking a beat. The Original witch smiled brightly. "Hope" she repeats the name. "I like it."

"So, what will we call our little prince?" Annabelle gazed upon her new born son with love in her heart. "He shall be named..... Henrik."

Until My Last Breaтн ※ A Niklaus Mikaelson Love Story ※ #2Where stories live. Discover now