Ňo Øne's Ħere Ŧo Şleep

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Merry Christmas, love!

"My twins."

"Your twins? You mean you- you gave birth to them?" I nodded with a smile.

"How is that possible, I thought vampires couldn't..you know?" I shrugged as I looked at the two beautiful miracles before me.

"We can't. But I guess were the lucky ones... Do you wanna hold them?" Devina smiled warmly and nodded in excitement.

The two of us walked to Hope's nursery and I told her it would be easier if she sat down. So she did, and I carefully placed our little infant in my arms into her own.

"Make sure to support her head she can be quite fragile." I informed her carefully.

"She looks just like you. Maybe there is a god after all." I chuckled lightly.

"She has a hint of Devil in her eyes. That's all, Nik." I said glancing back at Klaus in amusement, he merely smirked at me. Just then, Marcel comes to the door with a worrisome expression on his face.

"Klaus, Annabelle, you mind steppin out for a second?" He asked gesturing for us to follow him. Nik looked at me seeming mildly annoyed, before leaving. Forcing a smile on my lips I looked to Devina, who was still holding Hope with a mild grin.

"I'll be back in a bit, Vina, and when I am we can spend some more time together." She nodded without meeting my gaze. She really did take to the twins quite nicely.

As I got outside the room I closed the door, in order to ensure Devina wouldn't hear us. "What is it New Orleans has gotten itself into now?" He sighed in hesitation before answering me.

"Listen, Deigo just informed me that there's been a series of kidnappings in the Quarter recently." The heat in my body immediately started to drain as Marcel informed us of what was going on.

"There seem to be a pattern of some sorts?" Klaus asked.


"And?" I asked this time.

"... They're taking Wiccan children."

"You've gotta be kidding me. Do we have a lead on who this person- or persons might be?" I asked trying to contain my anger. Nik placed a gentle hand on the small of my back, helping me to calm down. He knew that harming children was not prohibited by any means when I was around. A lesson I profusely instilled into Marcellus when he was but a boy.

I would never let my children repeat the mistakes I shamefully made so long ago. Even though Klaus begged to differ at times, but he had no clue of my history.

"The last victim said to have seen a glimpse of the kidnapper before they took off with his son... It's a woman."

I shook my head as I started to feel a weight on my heart. How could someone take another's child? It made me think of someone possibly trying to take or harm Hope, and Henrik. They'd die in the worse way possible. I would assure that, and bring back whoever I could save. .. If there was anything left to save.

But I couldn't think like that. I had to do something. "We must assure the children's safety. I have to go into work for a couple of minutes. Nik I need you to take the twins to the safe house with my friend, Cami. I'll contact her on my way to the shop." I instructed him as I slipped on my leather jacket.

"Cami?" He asked quite clueless.

I huffed, "The blonde who came to our wedding. Keep up." I said feeling aggravated.

"I'm not leaving my children in the hands of a mere, human, bimbo." Klaus retorted. I sighed in disbelief. "Camille, isn't some bimbo. She's my friend and human. And no witch hunter is going to think to come after a human. Trust me darling, they're safest with her."

Just then Marcel comes back from around the corner, after presumably ending a call. I hadn't even noticed he'd slipped away during the conversation between Klaus and I.

"One of my day walkers got a new lead on someone who might know the kidnapper." I smiled lightly, a feeling of relief quite evident. "That's more like it. What's their name?"

"His name's Vincent Griffin. I don't know who he is to the kidnapper, but he's agreed to meet with us to help stop her."

"Fantastic, text me the address, and I'll meet you two lots there in an hour." I sped out the door towards the Floral Shop.~

I burst through the door, the bell chiming rapidly out of my own frustration. "Victoria? Eva? Are you girls here?" I called for my employees as I made my way to my office to grab a few things.

"Yes, boss?" Victoria asked, looking as though she rushed to my office. She was a true sweety pie honestly. I insisted on every one of my employees to address me as "Annabelle", but she preferred "Boss". Or "Mrs.Mikaelson". Though the names did have a nice ring to them she didn't have to be so bloody formal about it.

"Victoria, what have I told you about calling me boss?"

"Sorry, Anna."

"It's alright dear. Anyway, I need you to tell Eva to close up the shop early today. Speaking of, where is the little buga?" I asked as I searched through my desk drawers for a certain item.

"Eva, went to go put in your order for more cyan and matte colored ribbons down at the factory. But I'll let her know as soon as she comes back, Ma'am." She responded in a very light Southern accent.

I didn't bother to look her way, still rampaging through my drawers like a mad dog. "Are you sure you're okay, Mrs.Mikaelson?" I sighed, finally letting my gaze meet Victoria's.

"Yes, I'm quite alright, dear. That'll be all for today. When Eva returns you may go home." I replied softly. She left with a nod and as she did I finally pulled out the item I had been looking for, making a sickening feeling consume me.~

Marcel, Elijah, Rebekah, and I all walked into the factory side by side. Standing by a table in the room was a average height man, with an oval shaped face, and dark skin. When he saw me he looked... weary?

"Thank you for meeting me, I appreciate your help. So who are you?" I asked being in quite a rush.

"Vincent Griffin, I would say at your service, but that implies that I had a choice in the matter." I turned and smiled at L'jah and Rebekah behind me.

"Oh, he's witty. Wonderful." I stated turning back to Vincent. "Now I hear you have some information for me."

"Hold on, just give me a second." He says to me as he slowly takes a few steps closer. He was analyzing every aspect and detail of me, from head to toe as though he was attempting to figure out a puzzle. He frowned and shook off any thoughts that were swarming through his mind, and he took a step back.

He scoffed. "When they put Eva in the falling cottage I never thought I'd see her again." I frowned at the name he used. I didn't want to jump to conclusions as I shook my head in disbelief.

It couldn't be. I thought to myself and smiled viciously. "Eva. As in Eva Sinclair?" I asked him, trying to keep my eyes from changing.

"You know her?" Both Elijah and Vincent asked in unison. "Tell me, how exactly is it that you know Ms.Sinclair?" I then questioned. Vincent took a beat and looked away from my gaze, almost shamefully.

"She was my wife." He finally answered.

I scoffed with my cheeky smile still present. "Well isn't this bloody fantastic?"~

The four of us sped through the flower shop with Vincent not far behind. "Eva! Victoria!" I yelled as I made my way to the back to see if they were here. Suddenly, a soft familiar voice speaks up. "Mrs. Mikaelson?" Victoria says, coming out from behind the storage area where we kept the flowers.

"Victoria, where is Eva?" I asked hastily. She hesitated, I could tell I was scaring her from my strong demeanor. "Sh- she went to your house to deliver the books for the week. She said you knew."

The anger in me grew and grew with every second. 'That bitch! I'll kill her!' I thought to myself.

"She plans to acquire the twins." Elijah finished my thoughts out loud. "We must go now." I said, then made my way out the door, bluring away once I was out of sight.

Until My Last Breaтн ※ A Niklaus Mikaelson Love Story ※ #2Where stories live. Discover now