Turn Our Eyes Away

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Sorry I went all Twilight on you guys, I just love that movie xD! Okei Enjoy :)

It was the way I always remembered it. It was sturdy, and most of all isolated. Of course there were people around, but not for another hundred miles or so. I owned or inherited per say most of this land when "she" died. So I could do with it what I pleased. At first, I contemplated burning it to a crisp, but it holds too much value, (not money wise).

I needed to be here. I needed to be away, to come home. Especially if this were to be my last time. But home wasn't always.... nice and... warm. The land that my house stands upon carries deep and dark memories of my own. Some that even Klaus doesn't know about.

I haven't had the courage to step foot in Washington for almost two years now. This is where I spent my last 20 years after living with Armond. Then, Damon tracked me down... and the rest is pretty much history. I'm afraid of what will Spring up for the next few months.

"That's about the last of it Love." Klaus comes into the master bedroom and puts down the remaining luggage. He wasn't exactly keen on the idea of staying in Washington for the next four months, but he'd do whatever it took in order to protect the woman he loves.

He hadn't been in Washington since Henrik's death. They all lived in Washington, (though it wasn't named that back then), before leaving for the new world, or what is now known as Mystic Falls.

"Thank you, Nik... for everything." Anna says in a hush tone. He walks across the cabin like room and sits on the bed facing his wife. "I promise, that I will do whatever it takes to protect you..." Klaus says calmly, but then his tone gets stern. "Though I can not do that if you are putting yourself in constant danger."

Anna frowns in confusion. "What are you babbling on about Nik? What danger?" Annabelle felt confused. She hadn't been in any danger or put herself in any in months. Klaus cuffed both her cheeks gently, but Anna could feel him holding back his strength because she was much too fragile now.

"I am not prepared to spend anymore of my eternal life without you and I will never let anyone hurt you again." Annabelle grew more and more confused by the second. She had an idea of what he meant, but she wanted to be wrong so badly.

"Nik what are you saying?" She asks shaking her head. "I'm saying that if it comes down to you and... them I will not hesitate to make a sacrifice." Annabelle's mouth was agasped slightly, she couldn't believe what she was hearing, and the tears were already blurring her vision.

"You- I... you can't just... Kill our children like it's nothing just to save my life, Niklaus!" She retorts while jumping out of bed. She slips on her betty boop slippers and wobbles out of the bedroom not really knowing her destination.

Klaus followed after her hastily, still trying to convince her. "We are suppose to be mates, partners in anything and everything, but you- you have chosen to leave me, I have a say in nothing!"

"You have to accept what is! If I die you will still have a piece of me!" Annabelle says sobbing lightly.

"Because you've given me no choice! Anna, do you actually think that I could have love for those things?! If you die it's me who'll lose you and I don't accept that.... I don't accept that at all."

"Nik... please." Anna speaks softly as her voice breaks. "I can't have these children without you, I'm not strong enough. But, I have to know that you can be strong enough for the both of us." She says softly.

Klaus cuffs her damp cheeks and stares at her intensely. " I'm can't, I'm sorry...not if it means losing you." Anna saddened expression hardens. She smacks Klaus' hands away and storms out the door venturing out into the woods.

Annabelle's POV:

I was furious! How can Klaus even think of harming our children?! He's gone mad I tell you, Mad! UGH I'm so angry I could just- Great that's one less tree to worry about.

I walk into the woods contemplating my options. I could do a spell to make his view on the situation change. No, but then that requires far too much power, which I have very little of at the moment. It would probably do more harm than good.

Maybe I should just give him some time and slowly convince him the good having these children will bring. I think that's a much more efficient scenario. My head snaps up when I hear the crack of a branch echo in the wooded arena that surrounds me. Like I said before, my senses aren't as sharp as they were before, but there is definitely someone here with me... I can smell it.

I sigh feeling annoyed and sleepy. "I'm tired, I just got into a massive fight with my husband, and I'm pretty sure morning sickness isn't just in the morning. So please, I would appreciate it if you spare me the stalling, for I do not have time for Tom foolery darling." I respond into the open space emotionless.

"I wouldn't dream of it." I hear the person's distinctive voice come from behind. Wait a minute... I know that voice. I turn around with my arms folded. "Come to make a complete fool of yourself again have we?"

"Actually no, Mrs.Mikaelson. I came for you."

Song: Turn Our Eyes Away- Trent Dabbs

Until My Last Breaтн ※ A Niklaus Mikaelson Love Story ※ #2Where stories live. Discover now