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Y/n's POV

I traced my thumb along Ryder's rough jawline. He had his grubby hands down on my hips. Someone else opened the door and rushed down the stairs. Of course. My life couldn't get any worse. I was greeted with the snake-like face of Alexa. She eyed me as she whispered something in Ryder's ear. Ryder's face fell as he dragged me over to the wall. He clamped a cold metal cuff onto my wrist.

"What are you doing?" I asked in my most innocent voice. He smiled at me quickly.

"Just a precaution baby" He quickly placed a kiss on my cheek as he ran off. I started tugging on the cuff. I could feel the skin beginning to rip. I quickly stopped. I slumped down to the floor.

"What's your name?" The girl in the corner asked. I sighed.

"I'm y/n, and you?"

"Lacey," She whispered.

"I'm going to need your help Lacey"

"With what?" She asked.

"I need you to tell me everything, from start to finish" I could hear her take a deep breath in.

"Ryder and I dated for awhile, he asked me to be his bride. He said we could get married in private. Of course I said no. He raged and slapped me before dragging me here. There have been other girls before me but-" Her voice trailed off.

"What? What happened?" I asked.

"They wouldn't beehive like Ryder wanted them to. They continued to try and escape or overcome him. Ryder he, he killed them" she finally got out. My stomach turned in knots and I felt my body heat up.

"Did he ever hurt you?" I asked.

"Every time i refuse he'll hit me or something but he's never been close to killing me"

"Oh" was all I could say. I was scared for my life. A sharp pain in my leg made me yelp.

"What's wrong?" Lacey asked quickly. I clenched my teeth. I could feel sweat roll down the side of my face. All I could do was tell myself it was going to be over soon. Once the pain finally passed I explained it all to Lacey.

"Will it get better? Why didn't you just eat some of Julietas food?" She asked.

"I'm not sure and Julietas food only works to an extent with me". After that we had nothing else to say to each other.

Camilo's POV

I saw him. I saw him walking down the path towards the house. I ran at him and tackled him. I sat on top of his chest and hip his wrists tightly down to the ground.

"Where is she?!" I yelled at him, spit flying from my mouth.

"Where is who?" He asked. Of course.

"Y/n! Where is y/n?!"

"I was just going to your house to find her," he said smugly. His jaw had a bruise from where I punched him last night. It made me feel better knowing I had done that. Someone pushed me off Ryder. I looked up to see Alexa. Why can't this witch just leave already?

"Let's not use violence" She said sweetly. I kicked up dirt at them and walked off. They took her. I know it. Now where were they keeping her?

Y/n's POV

Ryder came down moments later. I put on my best sick face. Lacey already knew what to do.

"Help her!" Lacey screamed. Ryder immediately rushed to my side.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked.

"I don't know. She was convulsing and she was screaming, I don't know what's wrong!" Lacey was rambling on and on before Ryder silenced her.

"Y/n? Y/n? Can you hear me?" Ryder asked. I let my head fall down to the side.

"She needs a doctor! If you loved her you would save her!" Lacey screamed. She even turned on the tears. Ryder pulled a dagger out of his boot and pointed it at Lacey. Well I'm glad he showed me where he kept that.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Ryder was yelling. He stood up and unlocked my metal cuff. I let my body slump down. He ran his hand through his hair.

"I'm going to go get her a couch to lay on," Ryder said to no one in particular.

"She needs sunlight, everyone knows it makes a sickness better" Lacey lied. Ryder considered it before picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder. I went limp. I shot Lacey a reassuring glance before i disappear upstairs.

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