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Y/n's POV

Ryder placed me down on the couch. He felt my forehead.

"What hurts?" He asked. I kept my mouth closed. I really had to play this sickness out. Alexa ran in through the door and Ryder immediately ran over to her. Both of them quickly left. There it was. The door. I could run out and find help. But I had no idea where I was in Encanto. I had to help Lacey. I couldn't just leave her. Once I was sure they were gone I ran upstairs. I found one room that looked like it could be Ryders, I snooped through the draws, hoping to find a key of somesort. There was nothing. I slumped my shoulders in defeat as I walked back down stairs. I stood in the middle of the living room. I had no idea what to do next. Suddenly I heard a key jiggle in the door. I leaped back into my spot on the couch. I closed my eyes to pretend I was sleeping. I could hear Ryder approach me

"Y/n, Y/n wake up" I heard him say. I fluttered my eyes open but didn't move a muscle.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better" I replied in a low voice. He helped me into a sitting position and went into, what i assumed was the kitchen. He came back with a bowl of soup. He lifted the spoon up to my lips and I ate the cold soup. Delicious. Once the soup was finished Ryder aksed

"How are you feeling now?". I stood up but made myself fall down into Ryder's arms. Of course he caught me. I stadied myself and wrapped my arms around him

"Thank for catching me" I whispered

"No problem babe" He whispered back to me. With one quick movement he picked me up bridal style and walked me upstairs into his bedroom. He rummaged through the draws and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a large T-shirt.

"Put that on" He ordered.

"Turn around" I said playfully. He sighed and turned around. I quickly pulled off my dress and changed into the clothes that were much too big on me.

"Okay i'm done" I said. He turned around and led me down to his bed. I prayed that he wouldn't get in with me and luckily he didn't.

"Get some rest honey" and he closed the bedroom door. Ugh i hate it when people call me stupid pet names, well with the exeption of Camilo. I fell into a deep sleep while thinking of Camilo.

Camilo's POV

I laughed at my family. They expected me to go to bed. I was locked in my room sadly and luisa stood guard. I looked over the information I had collected from today. That's when I noticed a figure walking outside of Casita. I leaned out my window and squinted to get a better look. I knew it was Ryder. I wasted no time jumping out my window and landing safely on the ground. I didn't want to run up and beat the shit out of him, i needed this stupid guy to lead me to exactly where he was keeping y/n. We went through a thicket of trees and down a narrow dirt path. Finally we came to a clearing where there was a small house. There was a dim light in the window. Was this where he was keeping her? The house looked quite run down. This house was really on the outskirts of the town. Ryder jiggled the key and the old door creaked open. I waited for awhile, i didn't want to go home and risk losing this place or worse, y/n. I waited for a while before I heard a loud scream, y/n.

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