shitty shinichiro chapter

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It was probably the most exciting day of the week. Ironically, today was Monday; what people thought to be the worst day of the week. For you, it was the worst day too, but something made it particularly interesting. Today, was your collegiate debate at your university.

People may have found it a bore because of how long it could last. They'd rather look at their GameBoys, but the topic to argue about is what you stood for.

It was about the disapproval of abortion in rape cases, what most people were against of according to religion. Your grandmother was one of them, saying it was practically killing an innocent child. But what about the mother who isn't physically and emotionally ready? Most of all, what about the child who doesn't deserve the poor treatment? Not to mention, what happens to the culprit of the rape crime?

You were with the side of approval of abortion, which you told your grandmother about. She still disapproved of it, but she did see some loopholes in it. But despite being against it, she still wished you good luck.

Getting ready, you put on your most presentable outfit and practiced the vocals of your voice so that your message would echo through them. Y'know, so that they'd get intrigued and understand. Opening your flip phone, you saw that you just received an email from

The owner of the email address was none other than Shinichiro Sano, the friendly neighbourhood mechanic. He was just the boy next door, literally.

You met him back at your grandma's ramen shop when you were a teen, thinking he was being misogynistic towards you. Turns out that was a big misunderstanding after all. He just thought you looked cool doing that, ending up being embarrassed by his shower of praises and compliments.

Opening the email, you read Shinichiro's email for you.

From :

To : y/nl/

Subject : Your Debate (っ^▿^) ♥

Hey, Y/N!

Today's your big day, huh? I heard your grandmother talking about it when she handed us the extra leftovers from your dinner with her. Well, I'm wishing you good luck! Although, I don't think you need it because you will definitely nail it! I mean, you're Y/N L/N afterall! That's all for me, good luck again!!

From, Shinchiro Sano

Sent from Mail.

You subconsciously smile at the email, immediately replying back your gratitude and appreciation. After all, you still had about an hour or two left before the debate started. You could give some of your time to the handsome mechanic afterall.

Reply to :

From : y/nl/

Subject : Thanks!

Good morning, Shinichiro-kun!

Thank you so much, it really boosts my confidence! I'm getting nervous, I've been practicing for days and been thinking of the counter arguments they could give me and how to reply to that. Although the opposite side of the debate being a guy really fires me up! It's not like they're the ones bearing the child. Despite it being their religion, it's theirs. Don't worry though, you're my second favourite guy, the first one being your cute little brother. Mikey's around 11 now, isn't he? Sorry if I spoke too much, I'm just really excited about it. Anyway, thanks again!

Sincerely, Y/N L/N

Sent from Mail.

You tuck your flip phone in your pocket, finding your grandmother to greet her goodbye. Roaming around the house, she was always found in the kitchen, cooking whatever interested her. She sensed your footsteps, her eyes smiling as she looked at you.

"Y/N-chan!" She says cheerily, steering the broth on the stove. "Good morning."

"Good morning Obaa-san," You greet back, pecking her cheek before smelling what she was cooking briefly. "Smells good!"

"Mhm, yes," She says, a smile on her face. "Whether you win or not, you'll still be having this as an award for being good."

"Obaa-san!" You chuckle, looking at the time. "I'll go now, 'kay? See ya!"

"Good luck!" She says.

Just as you were about to leave, you could feel your flip phone vibrate. Stopping to check what it was, you checked the notification before heading off to commute. It was another email from Shinchiro.

Reply to : y/nl/

From :

Subject : (≡^∇^≡)

No problem, Y/N!

It's the least I could do after all. I'm sure your practice has paid off, because your grandmother kept telling me and my friends how her granddaughter had a beautiful voice when speaking. Don't worry, that's what I thought about the topic too. Correct guessing Mikey's age, you have good ears and memory. I wish I was your favourite guy though, but then again it's Mikey. I don't really blame you but still! I look forward to the day where I'm your favourite! You didn't speak too much at all, I like hearing from you no matter the amount I can get. Good luck again, pretty!!

Love, Shinichiro Sano

Sent from Mail.

You could feel your cheeks burning up from the compliment, practically drowning your flip phone in the darkness of your pocket. But who could blame you? Shinichiro-kun was such a flirter without even trying.

His use of 'Love' bloomed butterflies in your stomach. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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