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CELESTE - September 1998

"I didn't take you for the jealous type, Cel."

That's the sentence that snaps me out of my thoughts as Dean drops his heavy books on the table in front of me.

"Sorry?" I ask, glaring up at him before he takes a seat across from me. "What are you talking about?"

Dean leans over the table, flicks my cheek with his fingers before smiling at me. A dimpled and gorgeous one, might I add.

"You've been staring at them for quite some time now." He nudges his head towards the back of the study hall. "And by the way you're gripping your quill, I take it as you're pissed off and quite jealous."

My eyes settle back on Draco and Astoria, sitting at the end of a table, studying together. She's sitting rather close to him, carefully listening to what he's explaining to her. Draco has always been a good student. I guess he's helping her with Arithmancy or Potions, since these are the subjects in which he always excels the most.

"I'm not jealous." I mumble, looking back at Dean who has his brows raised.

He simply looks at me without saying a word before opening his notebook. "Okay."

I close my eyes and try to calm my thumping heart. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Draco talking to Astoria shouldn't affect me. Draco and I aren't together anymore. We haven't been for months, and we haven't really talked to each other since the other day at the Three Broomsticks. Maybe he's slowly giving up, thinking that I'm not worth fighting for.

"Cel..." Dean says quietly, nudging my arm to make me open my eyes. His eyebrows are furrowed and a worried expression is plastered over his face. "Please tell me you aren't thinking of getting back with him."

"I'm not." I immediately respond, placing my quill on the table. Dean narrows his eyes at me, and I can't help but think he somehow looks like my brother as he acts like this. "I'm not!"

"You're not what?" Asks Atlas, taking a seat next to me. He reaches over and grabs my pencil before opening his own notebook.

"Getting back with Malfoy." Dean states with a scowl plastered on his face.

"You better not." Mumbles Atlas, his eyes already focused on his assignment. I roll my eyes and can't help but look back at Draco. "I don't want to see you mop around and wallow about this idiot again."

He's simply watching Astoria write down her answers, occasionally nodding when she gets it right. When Theo and Blaise take a seat across from them, he gives them a curtsy nod before letting his eyes meet mine. Quickly, I look back at my brother.

"You know you deserve better, right?" I hear Dean say. Atlas hums and nods.

"Even though you're a bitch," Atlas says whilst snickering.

I kick Atlas' shin and he yelps as quietly as he can, rubbing the part where I hurt him. "Yeah, bitch."

"Imbecile." I whisper to Atlas. I look into Dean's eyes. "I know."


August 1997

"Draco, are you okay?"

I watch Draco come into my room from my window. He puts down his broomstick in a corner before fixing his hair. He takes long strides to come up to me, and before I can get another word out my mouth, he grabs my face and presses his lips to mine.

He nibs on my bottom lip, wanting access to my mouth. I let him and allow our tongues to melt together as he grabs tightly onto my face.

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