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THEODORE - November 2004


Back in Wiltshire after five years of disappearance, here I am, standing on the porch of the Williams' mansion.

Palms of my hands sweating, heart racing and thumping inside my chest, head spinning, I feel like turning around and leaving once again.

But I can't.

I have to explain to Celeste why I left all these years ago.

She deserves an explanation.

Celeste. Celeste. Celeste.

My star, my home, the love of my life, the only person I swore to never hurt, and yet a promise was broken that morning five years ago.

Will she forgive me? Has she been thinking of me just like she has been on my mind?

Just as my finger is about to press on the doorbell, the door opens, revealing Draco fixing his black coat over his shoulders.

When his eyes land on my figure standing in the snow, they widen.

"Theo?" He asks, bewildered and clearly confused. Glancing behind his shoulder, he holds a hand out, preventing me from coming closer any further, and closes the front door, "Are you out of your mind?"

I knew he would react like this. My lips curve upwards as I exhale in the cold air, "Is this how you're going to greet me?" I taunt him whilst folding my arms over my chest, my eyes drifting away from his face a quick second to peer behind him.

Draco doesn't look pleased. His eyebrows are furrowed, a crease forming in between them, "Did you think it was a good idea to come over here?" He harshly asks in a whisper before stepping forward, "Coming back like you never left her?"

I rake a freezing hand through my wild curls as my eyes drop to my feet, "I can explain." I mumble before swallowing thickly.

"You better." Draco's voice is stern.

My own eyebrows crumple as my pointer finger flicks back and forth between him and Celeste's house, "What are you doing here?" I can't help the feeling of my chest tightening and my stomach dropping with anxiety, "Are you and Celeste—"

Draco holds a hand up in the air, stopping me mid-sentence. He shakes his head, "We are not. I'm engaged to Astoria."

My mouth opens agape and my brows shoot up in surprise before I let my lips turn up into a smile, "You— Wow." I breathe out, my thoughts gathering around the simple fact he just stated, "I didn't know that. Congratulations."

Draco's jaw clenches and he nods, "Thank you, Theo. You actually missed a lot during your vacation."

With narrowed eyes, I let out a scoff, "It wasn't a vacation. I was away for—"

"I'm not the one who deserves an explanation, Nott."

I breathe deeply and bury my hands in the pockets of my coat, "I know." I motion my chin towards the door, "Can I see her?"

"She's not here." Draco replies quietly, "I was there with Mother to help the Williams out for the party they're throwing on Saturday night."

"A party?" I ask, glancing around, "What are they celebrating?"

Draco steps forward, putting a hand on my shoulder. His touch is familiar, and memories from the past resurface in my head, "Look, Theo." His eyes flicker back and forth between mine, and I can almost perceive some worrisome taking over his grey hues, "Like I said, you have a lot of catching up to do."

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