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CELESTE - February/March 1999

"I'm in love with you."

How can words be so powerful? How can they consume your every thoughts, echo through your head, be the reason of your heartbeat quickening any time you think of them?

"I'm in love with you."

I can see it in his eyes. As we lay in my bed, his fingers tracing small patterns on my bare back, my gaze meets his. Theo's head is propped on multiple pillows, one hand tucked behind his curly locks.

Forest green eyes, sparkling and shining with dilated pupils. They saunter over my face, analysing every detail, memorising every outlines.

I see it in his eyes. The way he cares for me, the way he thinks of me as a work of art, how he would do anything to keep me safe.

I can see the way he loves me.

And I don't know what's wrong with me. Because Theo means the world to me. He's my best friend, and my feelings are immensely strong for him.

But the words can't leave my mouth. They will one day. I know it because I can feel it in my heart.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks, voice above a whisper. The pad of his thumb caresses my cheekbone, making my eyes flutter close at the touch.

"You." I reply, my lips curving upwards into a smile.

"What about me?"


Green meets honey.  My hand places itself on his, letting my lips kiss his inner wrist.

"Nothing." I whisper to him. "I really like you, Theo."

He chuckles before kissing quickly the tip of my nose, "I know, Cel."


Two weeks ago

"I have a Blood Curse, Theo."

His whole face drops, and I swear I can hear his heart break as the words leave my mouth. His hair is completely soaked, thick strands of hair sticking to his forehead and down to his green eyes.

I can perceive his eyebrows furrowing. His eyes flicker between mine as he tries to process my words.

"You— Wha— Celeste..."

Maybe I should have waited to tell him about it. He just confessed his feelings to me.

"It's a joke. Tell me it's a fucking joke." His voice cracks. Underneath the pouring rain, a tear falls out of his eye to mix with the droplets of water crashing onto his skin.

I shake my head as my hands grab his. We interlock our pinky fingers, our eyes never breaking contact.

"I wish. I'm sorry. You deserve to know about it."

"How? Why didn't you tell me before?"

I sigh, my gaze darting to the stormy sky. My heart jolts as lightning strikes.

"My great great grandmother was cursed. My parents knew, and they never told me. It's only when I got sick last summer that my mother understood I was hit by the Curse."

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