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THEODORE - December 1998

Long brown curls fall down her back. A navy blue dress hugs her body, trailing down the floor as we descend the stairs.

The girl clutching onto my right arm is pretty.

Astoria looks pretty.

Three weeks earlier

"Hi guys."

Blaise and I look up from our Potions textbook to meet Astoria's eyes. She smiles down at us and places her own books on the table.

"Hey, Astoria." Blaise smiles at her. "How are you?"

My mind blocks out her response as my gaze settles on Celeste walking in the Study Hall. Atlas has his arm draped over her shoulders as he whispers something in her ear that makes her hit him right on the chest.

"...I was actually hoping to talk to Theo."

At the sound of my name being said out loud, I look back at Astoria who has taken a seat across from Blaise.

I blink, "Sorry?"

Astoria's fingers fiddle with the hem of the sleeves of her robes. "Can we talk?"

My brows furrow. "Of course. Is everything alright?"

"Yes." She says in a small voice and nods her head.

Blaise clears his throat and stands up, grabbing his books in one hand. "See you guys later."

He sends me a glance, dipping his chin as he silently asks me if I'll be fine. Of course, I will. I simply send a wink his way, making him chuckle at my response.

"Bye, Blaise." Astoria smiles at him before locking her clear eyes back to mine.

There is a small moment of silence as I wait for her to speak up.

"What's going on with you?" My eyes drop to her fingers again. Why is she so nervous?

She lets out an audible sigh. "Alright, I'm going to go straight to the point: we should go to the ball together."

I blink at her, processing what she just said.

"You and me?" I lower my voice, my pointer finger flicking back and forth between the both of us.

Astoria is cute, I won't lie. Dark brown hair and clear green eyes. Strong personality, bright witch and big heart. She somehow reminds me of Celeste.

But despite me being friends with Daphne, Astoria and I have never really interacted with each other.

Plus, isn't she seeing Draco at the moment?

"Astoria, don't get me wrong." I scratch the back of my neck. "You're a lovely girl, but I don't think it's a great idea."

She lets out a small laugh that makes me frown, "Hear me out." She scoots closer to the table and leans forward. "You have a thing for Celeste, don't you?"

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