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tw: this chapter contains use of drugs and well, mature content hehe
happy reading


THEODORE - October 1998

"To our first win of the season."

Draco, Blaise and I clink our shots together before quickly downing them. We stand in the middle of the dorm, still getting ready for the party.

Music is already blasting in the common room. We can hear people shout, scream, laugh and having fun.

"I'm going to get smashed tonight, my boys." Says Blaise, grabbing a shirt from his wardrobe to pull over his body. He hums a muggle song, swinging his hips left and right and letting the alcohol take over his system.

I laugh at Blaise's dance whilst my hands rummage through my drawers, trying to find the perfect shirt to wear.

"Celeste and I kissed."

Draco's voice rings in my ears. My smile drops. My hands stop whatever they're doing. My hearts skips a beat, my stomach churns.

"You did?" Blaise speaks before I can. I look up to see his reflection in the mirror. He's buttoning up his shirt, his eyes fixated on me.

I don't turn around, waiting for Draco to answer Blaise's question. He's in the bathroom, probably fixing his hair and spraying cologne over his body, so he isn't able to see my tense expression.

"Yeah. Just after the game."


Draco's head pops behind the doorframe. He glares at Blaise, one hand in his hair. "Why what?"

Blaise sends me a quick glance, making me turn around. I'm grabbing a random t-shirt in my hand, holding onto it rather tightly.

"Did she kiss you back?" I can't help but ask.

I know Celeste doesn't want to get back with him. She told me herself.

"Surprisingly, yes." Draco's eyebrows are raised as if he's still trying to process what happened a few hours ago.

I clench my jaw, my fist holding tighter onto the fabric between the palm of my hand.

"She said she doesn't feel anything anymore, though." Draco continues. I feel myself let out a small exhale of relief, but the churning feeling in the pit of my stomach doesn't go away. "I'm sure she's lying. She must feel something. So, I'm trying to get with her tonight."

"Just move on, Draco." I sigh. Blaise gives me wide eyes from where he stands and huffs.

"Come on, Nott. I've got the most beautiful girl I know still wrapped around my finger. I have all of my chances tonight."

The way he's talking about her right now makes me want to hex him.

"Wrapped around your finger?" I scoff. "Don't you have Astoria following you like a lost puppy anywhere you go?"

Draco crosses his arms over his chest. "I guess I do... But she's not Celeste, you know."

Oh, I know.

I pull a face, twisting my mouth and furrowing my brows. Draco is such an idiot. I know he's still in love with Celeste, but he can't wrap his head around the fact that she doesn't reciprocate those feelings anymore. He's so stubborn.

"Bloody hell, Theo." Draco's eyes jerk down to my hand. "Why are you so fucking tense all of the sudden?"

Draco goes back into the bathroom, muttering something under his breath as I sigh loudly before throwing the crumpled shirt on my bed.

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