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September 2009

Healer Theodore Nott-Williams never took his ring off.

Although he and Celeste had never gotten married, his heart remained hers.

Even when he was seduced by female Healers. Even when beautiful women walked into the café, sending lingering stares his way. Even when his friends tried to help him move on. Even when it had been three years since Celeste passed away.

Theodore was Celeste's. Always had been, always will be. And there was nothing in the whole wide world that could change his mind. He had promised—until the galaxy turns to dust.

He made sure to keep the promise he made on that rainy night when she drew her last breath, surrounded by the burning flames of candles and covered in roses—he promised he would be happy.

But of course, not without her. Theodore couldn't possibly be happy at his fullest without his Celeste. But he tried. Tried his best to smile and make the most of his days, because he would be the first person to know that tomorrow is never promised. Kept working at the café on weekends whilst working at the hospital on weekdays.

Theodore wanted to save everyone. Because he hadn't been able to save the love of his life, and so, he swore to himself that he would work night and day to save every single life in danger at St-Mungo's.

And Theo didn't think his heart could ever be mended back. Didn't think he deserved to be alive whilst Celeste wasn't by his side. Didn't think he could ever forget about her eyes and her smile and her freckles and the sound of her laugh and how she managed to make his heart warm by merely looking at him.

But he knew he had to keep going. Had to keep fighting. Had to keep on holding onto that spark of hope until they meet again in the next life.

In his heart, he knew he would find her again.

And he wrote in a journal every time he thought of her. Every time he encountered someone or something that reminded him of her. He poured his thoughts into words, and sometimes, he would sit in front of her grave and read the letters out loud. Because he knew she was there, and that she was watching over him.


The cycle of life was something Theodore had always found fascinating.

Three years ago, on September twenty-first, which was Celeste's birthday, she passed away. It was midnight and two seconds when she drew her last breath. It was midnight when she joined the stars, and that was when the galaxy started to shine even brighter just for her.

On September twenty-third, Scorpius and Celestine Malfoy were born.

Scorpius was the exact spitting image of his father—platinum blonde hair and big, bright blue eyes. He was witty and smart and had a burning love for Quidditch, a sport that his uncle Blaise had introduced him to.

Celestine was Astoria's twin. Thick, dark brown hair and green eyes full of life. She was quiet yet funny, and she particularly loved the cinnamon rolls her uncle Theo made for her every Wednesday.

Theodore cried the day the Malfoy's had told the name of their baby girl out loud for the first time. He was cradling the small baby in his arms, sat on an armchair in the corner of the hospital room.

"Would you like to know her name?" Astoria had asked, her voice already thick with tears.

When Theo looked up at the woman, he merely gave a short nod of his head. The baby was sleeping peacefully in his arms. She was so small that he was afraid to hold her. Afraid to hurt her.

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