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CELESTE - August 1999

Lake Como is known for its setting which is naturally beautiful. With villas filling the shores around the large lake, numerous works of art in the heart of the city, I have fallen in love with this Italian life.

Theodore and I have spent the whole summer here, in a little apartment on top of a small hill in a quiet village.

Draco, Astoria, Blaise, Pansy, Daphne and Viola joined us for a few weeks before going back to England.

Lying on top of Theo's bare chest, I can hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat echoing in my ears. The sound of birds chirping can also be heard through the open window. Fresh air comes in the dimly lit room, making the light summer breeze hit our faces.

The tips of Theo's fingers trace small patterns on my upper arm, goosebumps appearing each time his digits trail up and down my skin.

"I don't want to leave." I say in a whisper, my hand coming to rest on his lower abdomen.

"I know." He only replies quietly.

Being with Theo for the whole summer made me realise how much my feelings for him have grown. I don't want to let him go, I want forever and more with him.

Whispering to me, he lifts my chin with the help of his forefinger in order to let our gazes meet, "Let me take a look at you."

My heart thuds at his words. His forest green eyes flicker between mine before cascading down to my lips, then up to my nose slowly. He seems to be counting my freckles one by one, as if he were trying to count the stars in the sky.


A smile draws itself upon my lips when he places a delicate kiss on top of my forehead.

Our lips collide in a matter of seconds, first gently, carefully, taking the time to let our tongues meet in a slow dance.

When his hands travel from my face down to my neck to reach my waist, he pulls me on top of his lap without breaking our kiss that has now turned into a battle for dominance between our tongues.

"Hm." He hums against my lips, sending small vibrations throughout my body, "Are you sure you want to keep going?"

"Certain." I whisper, backing slightly away to look into his eyes. Dilated pupils, eyes dark but sparkling. "I need you."

He caresses the sides of my bare thighs, "Can you handle another round?"

I raise my eyebrows at him, "Watch me."

"Celeste." A faint groan leaves the back of his throat as he lets his hands travel up underneath my T-shirt to rest on my waist. Our hips collide and the both of us let a shaky moan out at the friction, "Are you sure?" He repeats, his dark eyes boring into mine.

"Yes, Theo."

His right hand grabs the back of my neck to push my lips onto his. I grant access for his tongue to slip into my mouth whilst he grabs a fistful of my disheveled hair. His other hand travels up to my back and pulls me closer to him.

I brush my clothed chest to his bare one as my hips start to roll on top of his prominent erection all whilst our lips lock and our teeth clash together.

"Let's take that off, shall we?" He inquires lowly, tugging at the hem of my shirt.

As soon as the piece of clothing hits the floor, his lips latch onto my neck, peppering open-mouthed kisses down to my collarbones as his hands trail over my body to cup my breasts.

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