extended epilogue

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Celeste had always wondered what came after death.

Would she land in front of the doors to Heaven? Would she turn into another creature such as an animal? Would she merely start a new life as a newborn? Or would she be made of ashes until the very end of times?

Dying felt like emerging into a dream only to be awoken in another place. In a place where she was happy and not in pain. But she was alone.

When she got to that new place, there was a grip of remorse clinging at her heart as she thought about Theodore. About the way she had left him so relentlessly.

Perhaps she was selfish?

But she knew she had made the right choice because she was so tired of fighting. There were days where she fought harder than others, but on her last day, she was going through so much affliction that she couldn't properly breathe. She needed to think for herself—just once. She had to let go.

She kept an eye on him, though. Tried to look after him in the best ways she could. Stayed by his side and managed to let him know he wasn't alone—he would never be alone.

Celeste was undeniably proud of the person Theo had become. He cared so deeply for his family and friends. Worked so hard to save lives and honoured Celeste's legacy by running the café. Looked after Celestine and Scorpius like they were his own. He was a great man—he had always been.

When he looked up at the stars, she knew he was searching for her amongst all that brightness in the galaxy. But he would always manage to find her and she truly didn't know how he did it. And there was that look in his eyes—that silent promise saying they would meet again.

She would wait for him, even if it meant waiting a thousand lifetimes.

She had spent her whole life waiting and looking for the love she deserved, and Theodore had always been the only one to care for her in a way no one had ever been able to. So what harm could it do to wait a little bit more for him?


Theodore woke up when he thought he wouldn't.

Well, he felt different. Felt lighter in a way. Felt as though the heavy weight of life had been lifted off his shoulders.

The morning sun was shining softly upon his skin, casting a delicate warmth he hadn't felt in days. Last night, though, when he fell into a deep slumber, it was raining.

And last night, he did not look the way he did in this very instant.

There were no mirror where he awoke, but taking a mere glimpse down at his hands, it seemed as though he went back in time.

The skin on the back of his hands appeared smoother. There were no scars of numerous battles. No callouses after a long life spent trying to save lives at the hospital. But his ring was still there.

Because he had never taken it off. He refused to be separated from the love of his life.

Theodore didn't know where he was. All he understood was that he wasn't in rainy London anymore.

This place looked familiar, though. He felt a wave of nostalgia seep through his veins as he observed his surroundings, realising he had been here once. A long time ago—a lifetime ago.

Birds were chirping and flowers were evidently blooming everywhere. The cobblestone street was free of pedestrians although the fresh smell of coffee was wavering in the air, indicating the small town was alive despite its calmness.

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