The crash and trouble on-scene

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Penny, Elvis, and Kyle were in an accident involving Jupiter. They had just been hit out of nowhere and Penny was shaking holding onto the steering wheel for dear life. Elvis looked down at her and glass rained down from his face and landed near Penny. She did not even look for a second.

Meanwhile, Arnold was driving by in Venus with Sam when they saw Jupiter on its right side in the middle of an RTA. "Whoa!! Sam!!" Arnold called to him.

Sam wasted no time grabbing his radio and calling in the accident. He was desperate to save lives today. "MAYDAY, MAYDAY! THIS IS VENUS!! JUPITER'S INVOLVED IN A ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENT ON THE NEWTOWN ROAD!! WE'RE GONNA NEED THREE AMBULANCES TOTAL!!" Sam shouted desperate.

"On my way, Sam!!" Station Officer  Steele replied.

"We're on it, Sam!!" Malcolm replied.

"Tom?! Looks like the Fire on Pontypandy Mountain is yours!! We won't be able to get there in time!! We need Wallaby 2 to fight the fire!!!"

"Roger that, Sam!! On my way!!" Tom replied.

Tom flew Wallaby 2 to Pontypandy Mountain while Sam, Arnold, and Venus went to the scene where Jupiter was involved. "Confirming Jupiter is out of Action!! We are sending Wallaby 2 to Pontypandy Mountain!! Venus will remain with Jupiter Crew!!! Arnold, get Elvis out of there and check on the three!! I'm behind you!" Sam told him while having Venus block a road.

"Roger that, Sam!!"

Sam parked Venus and raced to the left side of Jupiter and looked in the window. "Hey, Elvis!! You ok? Any injuries?" He asked.

"I'm fine... Just a few scratches but... Kyle's banged up..."

"Ok... Let's get you out of here. Grab my hand."

Sam helped Elvis out of Jupiter and he looked down at Kyle's injury. "Oh my god... Sam... Fireman Sam... I-I can't see..." Kyle replied.

"Hang on... Here... Take this and carefully put it over your eye to remove it. It may hurt but it will be ok... We'll get you to the hospital."

Arnold and Sam were helping Kyle out of Jupiter and Elvis looked down at Penny who was still shaking from the impact. "Penny? You ok? Penny!!" Elvis called to her.

Penny looked up at Elvis shocked and loosened the grip on the steering wheel. Elvis looked down at her while Arnold put pressure on Kyle's injury. "We'll get you out." Elvis told her.

"What have we got?" Sam asked Trevor since he was nearby.

"Driver's unconscious but breathing. Pulse is thready. He needs to get out of here and into the hospital."

"An Ambulance is on the way."

"Yeah, we got a much bigger problem now." Arnold told Sam.

Members of the public who were on the Newtown Road we're not happy. They had the scene surrounded and soon enough, Malcolm and Rose arrived with Newtown Police for assistance. "Oi!! Everyone back from the scene!!" Malcolm ordered.

"What is the reason for that?" A male civilian asked.

"It's for your own safety as well as ours."

"You don't give orders to us. We give you orders... Move."

"Sir, I will have to arrest you for obstructing a Police Officer if I have to. Do I want to do that?"


"Then, step back and we will handle it!" Rose replied to them.

Station Officer Steele arrived in Phoenix and everyone made a path so he can get through. He was concerned about his firefighters. "Cridlington!! Are you all ok?" He asked.

"All but Kyle. He's on his way to Newtown Hospital right now. I'm heading in another Ambulance. You can have the Newtown Police ask me for a Statement to them at the hospital."

"Ok, Cridlington."

Penny got out of Jupiter with help from a Newtown Firefighter and she was shocked at the scene she was in. "Oh no..." Penny jumped down from Jupiter and looked at the entire scene from ground level.

A paramedic was tending to Kyle when she saw Penny still in shock by the scene. "You ok, ma'am?" She asked.

Penny didn't answer. The paramedic looked on at her as Kyle was starting to move his eye ok. "Why don't you sit down by the Ambulance?" She told her.

Penny still didn't move until Station Officer Steele came up to her with Elvis. "Sir... I-I don't know what happened... I was just driving and then... The car came out of nowhere..." Penny said to him in shock.

"Who had the right of way?" Boyce asked.

"We did, sir."

"Was there a stop sign or a traffic signal anywhere?"

"No, sir."

"Did you even look both ways when crossing the next road?"

"Chief, I-I-I don't know if I did or of I..."

"Penny. Did you look both ways?" Steele asked.

"Must've... Sir, it happened so fast."

"Do you not know that you can hear the cars when looking both ways?"

"Chief... I did... I'm telling you what I know..."

Sam, Arnold, and Newtown Firefighters were working on extricating the driver from the other vehicle. "Ahh... He's losing a lot of blood... We need to hurry..." Sam told them.

"Roger that, Sam."

Arnold went to get the jaws and then they were picked up by another civilian who was very furious. "This is why we don't like it when you cause trouble! You guys don't do anything right!!" She shouted.

"Hey, hey, hey!!! HEY!!!! We're giving it our all, Madam. We're doing our best!" Sam told her as she let go and stormed off.

Penny was watching the extrication unfold when an officer from Newtown Police came over and asked about who was behind the wheel of Jupiter. "Who was driving this one?" The officer asked as he pointed to Jupiter.

"Right here. Penny Morris." Steele answered.

"Morris. Would you mind stepping over here by my car?" He asked her.

"Now? We're in the middle of a rescue..." She replied.

"It's ok, Penny... I'll keep you posted." Her station officer told her.

Penny went to the officers squad car and Members of the public were cheering as they did a field sobriety test on Penny. Penny followed the officers instructions while Malcolm, Rose, and other officers kept the angry civilians back. Sam and the team have finally extricated the driver from the vehicle and passed him to Paramedics who took him to Newtown Hospital. The same person who picked up the Jaws of life was still furious. "You did this to him... An innocent man... You did this!!!!" She shouted at Penny.

That made Penny start to get angry and other members of the public were wanting her locked up for putting her hands on an officer which is against the law. Penny stayed on the scene in shock.

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