New Story

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I bet u thought it was a chapter update, yea no, it isn't.


I had one of those sudden idea explosions out of no where while doing nothing in particular. I was in a total thought trance for a couple of minutes building up on that idea.

In times like these, I get really excited about it yet I'm in a state of unsurety-- cuz clearly I should be using my brain juice for the next chapter.

I'm already really behind on my current fanfics plus the other put-on-hold fics. So I was just wondering if any of you guys would be interested in this new idea I have.

Time travelers-- something cliché that only appears in dramas, animes, cartoons-- the ability I once wished and believed I can have even if it went against the laws of physics.

That's what this new story would be about. A boy who time travels back to the past and meets this quirky girl, who believes in all these supernatural abilities more than he who has it.

Sneek peek:

"What if... everything from the beginning to the end of time, was already all planned out by the creator of the universe. Like a blueprint for everything." Her quiet voice broke through the silence. I turn to watch her, her curious eyes gleaming towards the sky before connecting her gaze with mine.

"What do you mean." I asked, her curiosity always had me questioning further, there was something about her that gave me a headache-- yet I was still mused by the strangeness that comes out of her lips. "If I'm here, isn't the future where I came from already shifting and becoming different? How can everything be planned if I'm here to change it..."

"Some things are just to complicated to be put in words."

That's the thing about her, she says something so abstract out of the blue but never explains what she means. Always pushing it aside with the same excuse that it's to complicated to be put into words. But her wondering eyes would drift back to the sky with an almost longing sea of curiosity just waiting to crash out.

"Maybe I travel through the wrong time-lapse." I mumbled to myself before exhaling my growing misfortune.

"What was that?" She turn to ask, taking her attention away from the well defined range of clouds hovering right about the horizon.



Now that a fragment of the idea is put into words, I'm kinda disappointed. It seemed like such a brilliant idea in my mind  but I guess not. Well it's still pending, so I'll decide later if it's worth it. Please comment!

Have you read my other on going stories?

Fall In Love With My Cupid (BTS V) Working on update.

BFF; Before Forever Fails (BTS Jungkook) Updating very soon.

Three Wishes (BTS Jin) Developing ideas.

Oh, and the next update for this current fanfic will be up in a couple of days. I was stuck in this one paragraph where i didn't like my wording so i just wanted to fix everything up until I'm satisfied before publishing it.

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