🌺 "I think I know now" Keiji Shinogi x child!Male!reader

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A/n: This is another one requested by a Tumblr user. I tried my best.

It was just a normal day. Keiji was going on his daily patrol. He thought he was going to have it easy today. That was until he saw a little boy on his own just walking along the sidewalk.

That little boy was you. You didn't have a clue where you are or where are your parents. All you knew is that a man in a police uniform is trying to talk to you.

"Hello little boy. What are you doing all on your own?" The man in a police uniform asked.

You just looked at him.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

You answered him "My mother told me not to talk to strangers."

"You don't trust the friendly Policeman, huh? If I give you my name we won't be strangers anymore. Name's Keiji Shinogi." Keiji introduced himself.

"I guess that's fine. I'm Y/n L/n." You introduced yourself as well."So..." He started "Where are your parents little one?"

"You tell me." You said.

He scratched his neck "I see. So that's why you were all alone. Will you let Mr. Policeman bring you to the police station to help you find your parents?"

You normally wouldn't go with the person you just met, but he's a policeman and you didn't want to go against law so you decided to go with him.

Once you got to the station he introduced you to a strange lady. Her name was apparently Megumi Sasahara.

She asked you a few questions to help her in finding your parents.

The question were simple ones "Do you know their phone numbers? What is their address? Do you live close by?". You know, those questions that would sound suspicious if they weren't asked by a police officer.

You always replayed quietly and sounded tired. But that is to be expected considering that you live really far away and who knows how much you needed to walk to get to the area you were in.

While Lady Megumi was trying to reach out to your parents, the friendly Policeman you have met previously was trying to make small talk with you.

He had realized that the your tired tone of voice wasn't from any physical activity, it was just the way you talk.

During his attempt to make small talk he asked you a question that got you thinking:

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

You didn't answer. Not because it was anything personal or embarrassing. You just genuinely didn't know. You never really thought about it. All you wanted was to not disappoint your parents.

"It's fine if you don't already know." Keiji started "When I was your age I didn't know either. However there was something who inspired me to be a policeman. If it wasn't for him, I would have never even thought about this carrier choice."

"I just don't want to be a disappointment..." You said quietly.

Keiji looked away "It's not like you have to pick right now. You still gotta ways to go."

"I guess so..." You said.There was an awkward silence for a few minutes. Keiji decided to break it.

"Have you ever considered being a Policeman? I think you would be good at it, little man." Keiji said.

Lady Megumi came back. She asked the friendly Policeman to talk to her in private.

"The parents won't be coming for the boy." She said to him "All they said is to drop him off at a nearest orphanage."

"R-Really? How could someone be so cruel? To not even tell the child?" Keiji said in disbelief.

Megumi just looked at a screen "It is cruel, but there's not much we can do about it now. There's this orphanage named ASU-NARO, they could take him in."

"Is that so?" You asked.

You were listening in on their conversation the whole time.

"I guess I should have expected this." You said in your tone of voice. It almost sounded like you didn't care. But Keiji could tell that you were deeply hurt. He could see himself in you.

"Is... Is there a possibility of me taking care of the boy for the time being?" Keiji asked.

Lady Megumi looked a bit shocked at that, but excepted nonetheless.

It wasn't anything permanent, at least until he filled out the adoption papers.

He was living with you and he got used to it quickly. You weren't a bother at all. You didn't stay up late of demand any specific foods or anything similar. You were just greatful someone took care of you for once. Who are you to complain?

Because of his hallucinations it was easy to wake you up at night though. If that were to happen you would just go up to him and cuddle him until he's asleep.

You might lose some sleep doing that though, but he treated you with so much care so all your gonna do is suck it up! And drink his coffee when he isn't looking.

The day he went to fill in the adoption papers is the day you made him happiest man in the world.

"You know Mr. Keiji, there was something on my mind recently." You said.

He looked at you with his half asleep eyes. "What is it little one?"

"When we first met you asked me a question. Do you remember what it was?" You asked.

"Well... I asked you a lot of questions. I'm not sure which one are you referring to." He confessed.

"You asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. I didn't answer because I didn't know. It think I know now." You said quietly.

He was looking straight into your eyes. He was curious about what you were going to say. He had a speculation but he didn't want to get his hopes up. He wasn't as inspiring as the policeman he once knew.

You turned to him and said "I want to be a policeman just like you."

There it was!

Keiji hugged you so tightly you thought you wouldn't be able to breathe.

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