🖤🌺 "I will always be there" Mai Tsurugi x Non-binary!reader with dysphoria

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Requested by iDateNao

A/n: Sorry this took as long as it did. I was trying so hard, I rewrote this 2 times until i decided it was acceptable. Dysphoria is a topic I'm not that confident about writing, so I hope I represented it ok. It is a bit short though. (The reader is non-binary, but I didn't end up using 3rd person pronouns for the reader)

There's so much going on at the moment for you. You weren't feeling too well mentally.

You were tired, but you couldn't sleep. You were hungry, but you couldn't eat.

You had almost forgotten what general happiness was like. The things that make you happy just burn you out at this point.

However, there was one thing that was always positive. The one that tried to help you the most. Your wonderful girlfriend, Mai.
"Umm... Are you ok?" Mai asked.

You looked at her and asked "Why do you ask?"

"Well..." She started "You haven't eaten in a while and you don't seem to have slept ether."

She comes closer to you and hugs you "If there's anything you need help with, I'm always there.

Sometimes you feel like you didn't deserve her. She always tried to help you, but you didn't understand why. Why are you worthy of her care?

In the following days she tried to get you to take more care of yourself.

"Hey! I baked you something, love!" She smiled and headed you baked goods.

"Thank you very much, but I don't feel hungry at the moment." You told her.

"B-but..." She started "I baked them specially for you... If you don't eat them I will be very sad." She tried to guilt trip you.

She often did this when she noticed you didn't eat for longer than 2 days.

It was a bit nasty and manipulative, but it was for your own good. At least you won't starve.

You sometimes got frustrated with her pushing it. It was rare that you would show your frustrations to her, but the fact that it was rare doesn't change the facts that you didn't it a few times.

"Please don't be angry at me." She said, her smile disappeared "I'm just trying to help."

"Why!?" You asked loudly, but not loud enough to be considered yelling "Why do you stay with me after all this time!?"

"Because I love you!" She said in serious tone.

"But I only caused you trouble. There's no reason for you to feel like it's your responsibility." You said.

You started tearing up and she noticed that. Mai came closer to you and gave you a kiss on a cheek.

"I do this because I want to, not because I feel like it's my responsibility." She told you.

"I know you are going through tough times right now," She started "and I will try my best to help you as much as I can."

She brought your face closer to hers until your lips touched. You stayed like that for a while.

After you parted away she whispered into your ear "I will always be there."

Your turn to die x reader (one-shots and scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now