☁️ When they get drunk: Kai, Midori and Reko

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A/n: Hello, I just wanted to say that today is my birthday. Happy birthday to me!

You and your partner rarely drink much, but for a special occasion, you decided to take them to a bar. You were not prepared to see them drunk.

Kai Satou:

Emotional alcoholic

-He was fine after first few drinks but after that he broke down and started crying.

-He started telling you how you are the only bright life in his life.

-He was also rambling about his life before you met him and the tortures his father put him through.

-Gets a bit touchy.

-Please hug him.

-You had to be his emotional support for the entire day.

-After he sobered up, he denied everything.

-If he doesn't remember it, didn't happen.
He's really good at playing dumb.

Sou Hiyori (Midori):

Honest alcoholic

-If you wanted to ask him something, now's the time.

-His manipulation takes a lot of concentration and he's not really concreted when he's drunk.

-Constantly telling you how much he loves you and apologizes for ever mistreating you.

-It was cute at first, but then he started telling a random person about the time he killed somebody and you had to get him out of there ASAP.

-When he sobered up, he told you that everything he said was true.

-You were happy to know that.
But then you realized that he said "everything".

Reko Yabusame:

Angry alcoholic

-Girl was trying to pick a fight with anyone that did as much as look at you.
You did your best to keep her safe.

-You weren't successful much.

-She started a fight bar and it was intense.

-You really didn't know how to deal with that and decided to call Alice to help you get her home.

-Thankfully, she was okay the next morning. Only a couple of bruises.

-She apologized so many times for embarrassing you.

-She asked you to never take her drinking again.

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