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Before I start this story . I want to clear something first - Don't hate me for writing this story , I don't own any idol , Only this story line is mine and YOU DONT Dare to copy it

Because no body wants to read your Copied Pussy   anyways .

Stay aware of these warnings and

- it contains some stuff that may harm some readers , so if you aren't comfortable then you may leave -

- it contains some stuff that may harm some readers , so if you aren't comfortable then you may leave -

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- Starts -

Another tear escaped her eyes as she was lying on the cold floor , lifelessly.

Thoughts clouding her mind , her vision became blurry by crying and her head  started to spin and she sat herself straight somehow.

His Photo lying on the bed , she looked at it. She stared at the photo , a drop of tear made the Picture watery.

She closed her eyes because of so much tears and now , she couldn't handle the pain

She tore the picture of her
ex-boyfriend .

Her ex. She dated a boy who was 2 years smaller than her.

His Sweet nature and friendly personality attracted her towards him. And as time passed , she couldn't control her emotions and confessed to him.

He accepted her proposal sweetly and gladly accepted to be her boyfriend . Everybody had problems with
A noona relationship but she fought with them for her love for him.

Everything was going fine and processlly but One day , out of the blue he says he doesn't want her to be his girlfriend . He never wanted.

It hurts , really. When you love someone and they hurt you by saying those painful things that can pierce your heart just by the words.


It hurts more when the girl is already raped in the Childhood...

Author's note.

Hello. This is a story idk what to say about this

Just read and support me.

And vote or else Oli london is going to kiss you 😃🤤

Bye bye

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