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Sam's hand was slowly caressing your back as you two cuddled on the bed. Your fingers traced his bare chest and you kissed a spot next to his heart. Looking up at his face you let those tree little words spill out from your mouth. Sam's hand laid still a while on your back.
"Do you love me too?" You asked confirmation from Sammy.
He turned to face you and wrapped his other arm around you. His eyes reminded you of the sweetest chocolate and he kissed you as sweetly.
"Sam, that's not an answer..." You saw his facial expression turn in to a frown.
"Y/N, you know I like you the most?" Sam said.
"But do you love me like I love you?" Tonight you needed confirmation, some kind of closure for your doubt.
"I guess so" Sam hesitantly answered.
"You guess?" Your voice wavered a bit as you thought about the words out loud.
"I meant I care so much I would rather be caught dead than telling any of the guys about it, I've got a reputation to uphold." He held his voice steady as telling you a well thought monolog.
Sam would show you in small gestures everyday he loved you, always helping around and bringing you little gifts. But if anyone else was around he'd change in to Sammy, the guy who everyone liked and he loved everyone equally back.
"I guess you love your reputation more than me." You sighed and tried to wriggle out of his grip.
"No Y/N, I didn't mean it that way, I've never ever felt this way towards anyone else. If this is love, I don't want to ever fall out of it." Sam held you in his arms as he kissed you multiple times, pausing only to tell you again and again how much he cared for you.

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