Say My Name ~ Levi Ackerman {Modern AU}

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Say My Name ~ Destiny's Child


Any other day
I would call, you would say,
"Baby, how's your day?"
But today, it ain't the same
Every other word is "Uh huh", "Yeah, okay"
Could it be that you are at the crib with another lady
If you took it there
First of all let me say
I am not the one to sit around and be played
So prove yourself to me
I'm the girl that you claim
Why don't you say the things
That you said to me yesterday
Nervous digits shook. (H/c) tresses were tugged in frustration. (E/c) orbs were glossy with liquid. Suspicion and assumptions have taken over every fiber of her being. She didn't want to believe her own assumptions were accurate. The delicate muscle in her wretched at the possibility. Sweat accumulated at the furrowing brows.
(Y/n) (L/n). This was the name of the distressed female. She was non other than Levi's girlfriend. It's been two years. The poor, oblivious girl thought things were pure bliss. Her thoughts were rightfully so. Things were bliss. Sadly, then and now differ in unfathomable ways.
A few months ago. That's when her fairy tale world crumbled to oblivion. The irony is that things burst into flames without her knowledge. To (Y/n), thing couldn't have been better.

~~~~~~~~~ Three Months Previous From The Current Time

(Y/n)'s fingers danced over the phone's keypad. The all-too-familiar-number was typed in. She knew how Levi immersed himself into his work, hence why she would call everyday to give him a small escape from work. She could just imagine how things went down in the office.
Levi's gray eyes dart around for any living organism. He wouldn't be caught dead giving out tender condolences,unless you were (Y/n). That was the one acceptance to the rule, or at least it was. Although,this was a time before that.
So, Levi casually walked over to the oak door. He turned the sliver lock. He learned not to leave the door unlocked, when Hanji once busted in and decided to talk with (Y/n) for his whole time to talk with her.
"Hey baby."
Usually, Levi would have cringed, hearing such talk. Nevertheless, he would have probably kicked his own ass hearing himself say such. Although, he know how (Y/n)'s heart soared at such the little action.
"How was you day?"
(Y/n)'s mood perked up at the usual question from Levi.
"Same as usual. How's yours been?"
Levi scoffed at the obvious question.
"Shitty, I have a hot girlfriend home and I have to do fucking paperwork."
(Y/n) lightly laughed at the comment. She didn't know,but things like that made Levi's heart skip a beat.
"Okay, I know things are busy so I'll let ya go!"
Levi nodded, even though he knows she can not see the action.
"Love you,Levi."
This time Levi didn't have to scan the perimeter. He answered back.
"I love you too, (Y/n)."

Two Months previous
That same goofy smile played on your lips.
"Hey Levi!"
The look of joy, was erased from her face in an instant. It seemed like there was a hint of venom and aggravation in his voice, at the realization of it being her. This slightly taunted her thoughts,but was pushed aside. (Y/n) deemed it as him just being tired.
"What do you want, (Y/n)?"
This made her very uneasy. This was already far from normal.
"Are you okay?"
Levi scoffed at this. Although, it wasn't his playful scoff. It was on of pure irritation towards her.
"Why the hell wouldn't I be?"
But before (Y/n) had a chance to respond, Levi jumped in once more.
"Look,I've gotta go. I have a lot of work to do."
"Okay Levi, I love you."
With only a bye, Levi hung up. This stirred up suspicion. But what (Y/n) didn't know would break her fragile heart into so many fragments, nothing might be able to mend it again.
I know you say that I am assuming things
Something's going down, that's the way it seems
Shouldn't be no reason why you're acting strange
If nobody's holding you back from me
'Cause I know how you usually do
Where you're saying everything to me times two
Why can't you just tell the truth
If somebody's there, then tell me who
Levi knew what he was doing was sinful. That just seemed to make it all the more exhilarating. He knew how the strangeness tugged at the strings of (Y/n)'s heart. He knew the aftermath would end with you being hurt. Although, he seemed to get off on the thrill of the fact. What fact you may ask. Well, many of them. The fact that this was wrong was one. The fact that this was happening with his assistant, Petra was another taboo thrill. He knew that slut would never actually never mean that much to him. He new her reputation of being the office's welcome mat. {Sorry Petra lovers,but this is for the cause!} The thing that he thrived on the most, was the fact that he could be caught.
He knew this sounded sick, and sadistic in a way. He even recognized it seemed to be in that fashion,but that was just apart of the whole ordeal. The thought of being able to get away with such an action is was really drove it. He did love (Y/n), and it was not in his intentions for her to get hurt. This was just like some sort of an addiction for him. He honestly tried to stop it a few times,but Petra was always there to remind him of the thrills of such risque actions. In a way, she had just as much fault as he did.

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