Cry Me A River ~ Ex!Levi (Modern Au)

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  Warning ~ Cursing

{Kinda goes along with Say My Name}

Levi's eyes starred into the screen of his desk computer. A slender hand ran through ebony locks. A low sigh of melancholy passed his grimacing lips. He was simply reminiscing with himself.

He was a damn fool.

A damn fool to cheat on (Y/n),and he knew it.

He fucking knew it.

His rare flower left him over his creeping around with that ginger home-wrecker. It has been a full month since his beloved slammed the door not only in his face,but on his heart.

He figured it wouldn't leave any imprints on him,but it did. Oh, did it ever. His nights were spent tangled in the sheets of his bed. His mind swarmed with the constant reminder that his (Y/n) had once had her priceless body upon these sheets. For a stoic sun of a gun, he heart was engulfed in the salty tears of the long nights he stayed awake thinking about what he could have done different. He often pondered the same though over again.

Was this what (Y/n) went through? Did she shed this many tears when she had suspicions of his cheating? Did her heart feel like it was fading away as his does now?

If only he could ask her.

While at his mahogany desk, he almost laughed at the thought of him asking her. After all, he hasn't seen here since that one day. God only knows what happened to that kind soul.

Levi often thought if he ruined the idea of love for her. That was the last thing he ever wanted to do. All he wanted was the thrill of getting away with something he shouldn't be doing.

Some people rob banks well, he had sex with his assistant. Just to think, he could have ended up with her being (Y/n) Ackerman. Levi's eyes seemed to droop down even more. The thick rings under his eyes were puffy from his last night sobbing.

What had he done?


"Erwin, just fuck off right now,okay? I'm not in the damn mood."

The blond just walked further into the room nevertheless.

"Levi, everyone is in the conference room. We're waiting to meet the new boss."

Yeah, Levi almost forgot Erwin was only head of this department. He forgot,because he damn sure acted like he ran the damn place.

"I'll be there in a moment."


You heels clicked on the pavement. Your mind was in the dark clouds that accompanied the gray sky this day.

You mentally cursed the sun for being able to hide like half of you wanted to do on this day.

Your mind reminded of the events that happened exactly one month ago. You could hear their short gasps of breath as obnoxious pink lipstick smeared on you boyfriend's body.

Well, your ex.

Now your heart was pounding. So much had happened since then.

You started with not a penny to your name. Levi had tried sending you money,but your pride would not let you take such a thing. So, you just gave it to the homeless roaming the street.

You had lived in an ungodly apartment. Then, you were just trying to get by. You had spent months searching for a job in business,before you finally got an offer. The signing bonus was enough to let you get a decent apartment.

Now, you were heading to your job. The only thing was, you knew who worked there. Levi and Petra.

Those damn people who put a permanent scar on your heart. You had almost crawled back to the handsome Levi in your weakest moments of crying on the floor feeling cheated from your happiness. But, you stopped making excuses for him. You thought maybe if Petra wasn't there it wouldn't have happened,but who were you kidding? Even you knew that was a crock of shit.

So, now you strutted up to the mighty building. Even without the sun, it sparkled in the day. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before stepping foot in with a briefcase in hand. The tilled floor still looked the same. So did the awkward glances of the receptionist.
You walked up to the dark blue counter to meet a brown haired girl with what seemed to be a mass amount of food around her.

"May I help ya?"

You gave her a warm smile.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n)."

The girl's eyes widened in realization.

"Oh! Well, everyone's waiting in the conference room."

You gave a curt nod and headed off. You adjusted your (f/c) blouse and black pencil skirt,as you walked to the conference room. You remembered where it was, from when you surprised Levi with an occasional lunch after a stressful meeting. You almost let a crystal tear escape from your gleaming (e/c) orbs.

'You will not cry,(Y/n)! No! Not now, not ever.'

Your hand reached for the door,but halted halfway there. You had to take a minute to prepare yourself for who you were about to see. You put on the best smile your lips could muster and walked into the room. Everyone was chattering among themselves,as Erwin noticed you. He smiled and stood.

"Well everyone, this is the new C.E.O. of the entire company. Her quarters will be here,as she will help us improve! Lets all welcome (Y/n) (L/n)!"


(Y/n) (L/n).

Those words echoed in his mind,as Levi looked up from his notepad. His gray eyes immediately did a double take.

He let out a partial gasp,as he saw her. This was not a dream. It was her.

His ex.

His first true love.

His only love.

His (Y/n).

His face held no trace of emotion,but his hands twitched slightly,as she sat next to him.

Levi didn't hear a damn word that meeting,as Erwin told everyone they could take their leave. He saw (Y/n) frown and fidget when her gaze met his eyes boring into her figure,but he didn't care.

He immediately sprang up from his seat,as he saw they were the last people in the room and she was starting to leave.


Your hair whipped behind you,as you looked towards the origin of your shouted name. You froze seeing Levi speed up to you.

You turned around, as he took his hands in your. Oh, how you had missed his late night caresses. His soft ivory skin on your own. His gray eyes burned into your own.

"(Y/n), I've cried every night. Please, be mine again. I don't know what I'll do if I can't have you in my life."

You felt the strong feeling to jump into his arms and announce your undying love for him,but how could you? You wanted to,but whose to say he wouldn't do it again?

The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. And how dare he speak of his tears after all of your.

A scowl played upon your lips remembering the hours of crying while he was being intimate with another.

Then a soft smile graced your features at all the good times you two shared.

Your soft hands were placed upon Levi's cheeks. Although, it was in a loving manner. Levi's eyes filled with relief,as he saw your fragile affections.

He was elated.

You leaned into him and placed your lips next to his ear.


His speech was as light and as soft as your missed touch.


"Cry me a river you son of a bitch."

On that you walked towards the door to your own office across from his. You hopped Petra and Levi like extra paperwork.  

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