Tears in the Rain ~ Eren

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|Eren |x| Blind!Reader|

"I hope the new recruits are good."

"Shitty glasses, let's not kid ourselves. All of them will be a bunch of know-it-all brats."

Hanji laughed loudly,as her tan hand hit Levi's shoulder. Which in return, his face scrunched up in disgust.

Erwin just stood beside them with eyebrows forever on fleek and stared ahead.

The three walked into the mess hall to, as Levi stated, calculate the amount of mass fuckery,which is the new cadets.

"Get in line,brats."

Everyone in the room quickly scurried to secure their place,fearing the Corporal.

Well, everyone's face was slightly panicked.

Well, almost everyone.

Your face was blank of any emotion. One could not even see the slightest hint of emotion from behind your dark glasses over your eyes. Yes, the were regular sunglasses,but hid an unusual thing. You're blind.

And so far, you're the only one that knows. You knew that if you let people know, you wouldn't have gotten this far. But, you knew you couldn't keep up the facade forever. Although, you didn't anticipate it to come crashing down so soon.

"So, I'm Squadleader Zoe. Hanji Zoe. Now, Shorty here is going to go down the line of all of you!"

"You! Name."

Your sensitive ears hung onto every available sound. You had to be able to identify people with the sound of their voice,after all. So, every syllable was precious to you.

Down the seemingly never ending line, it was finally close by you.


"Eren Jaeger,sir."

You stood completely still,as you listened closely to him. His voice was lovely. Very lovely.

While your mind wandered to him, you failed to do something important.

You heard Levi ask for your name,yet you failed to pinpoint his location. You see, it was already a fatiguing take. So the fact that you weren't paying attention,well that meant you're screwed.

You just looked up.

"(Y/n) (L/n),sir!"

You may have shouted proudly,but you could feel all of the eyes boring holes into your skin. That's when you knew, you've done fucked up.

"Cadet (L/n), please explain why in the fuck are you looking way up there."

You then found the location of the Corporal. You were tempted to say 'because I didn't know you would be so damn short.' But good thing you didn't say that.

You could practically feel the sympathy radiate off of the person to your side. Eren. You wondered what was happening behind your naive eye that would cause him to give you sympathy.

Well, that would be the Captain snatching your glasses off.

The distress was evident on your face. This caused guilt to pang Eren,even if he didn't cause it.

"Sir, I think-"

"Did I ask what you think?"

"No, but-"

You shot a pleading look to where you assumed Eren to be. You knew he should give up the verbal battle while he still could.

The look on your face made his eyes slightly widen,as he stood still.

"Well, Jaeger! Since you and (L/n) are buddys, the both of you can clean this place till it shines."

You were fine with that,but not what happened next.

You could hear your glasses shattering. That was too far.

You couldn't help but let a few tears slip from your (e/c) orbs. Emerald eyes caught sight of this,as the others left the room.

"Hey, it's alright!"

You shook your head 'no',as Levi walked up to you.

"A soldier crying over something so trivial. Tch. Pathetic."

Eren's eyes narrowed,as anger slowly bubbled in him. This wasn't right.

"Cadet (L/n), if you don't look at me, I swear-"

You shocked both men by the bold move you were about to make.

"I CAN'T."


You heard Eren also questioning you. This was too much. You just got here.

Your (h/c) tresses covered your face,as you looked to the floor.

"You haven't noticed something different?"

As you lifted your face, your collar was roughly grabbed,as you felt that feeling of sympathy again.

"I don't know what game you're playing cade-"

This time, Levi just stopped talking. He then let your collar go.

You wiped tears from your smooth cheeks,as Eren's fist clenched. Seeing you cry did not settle well with him.

"My God."

Anger slowly seemed so far away,as Eren wondered what could have made such a powerful man act as such.

"What it it,Corporal?"

Levi ran long fingers through his raven hair.

"No. I have to consult with Erwin,now. No. Someone in your condition can not be a soldier. No."

Left sprinted down the hall,as you sprinted out of the door.

Eren was left dumbfounded,as both forms left. His brain felt all tousled,as he tried to process this. So, he followed his gut feeling.

He followed (Y/n).

And what Eren saw froze him to his spot. It looked like something out of one of those fantasy books Armin keeps.

The sky was a pale gray above. The clouds almost blending with the sky's hue. The sent of light musk graced the air. Rain dropped in giant tumbles of grouped water. In the center of such a calming scene was (Y/n) (L/n). The girl he knew nothing about,yet he felt a his protective instincts kicked in around her.

(Y/n)'s arms spread out in a straight line. Palms were to the sky,as her face was only slightly tilted upwards, to the gray sky above.

"What does it look like?"

Eren's confusion was clear on his features,but it's not like (Y/n) would know that. He carefully stood beside the beautiful being,called (Y/n).

"Tell me Eren. Does the water droplets of the heavy rain blend in with my tears? Is sadness all one color,or does my inner sadness outshine that of the sky?"

"Well, we both know that water's clear,(Y/n)."

"Is that so? I wouldn't know such things."

Eren brought one of her outstretched hands to grip his own.

"Why is that?"

A laugh graced the outside world. This laugh was not one of joy. It was twinged with irony and sadness. I guess you could say it's the special ingredient.

"I'm blind,Eren."

Eren was startled. Even when he looked really hard and saw the differences in her eyes,he still couldn't quite grasp the situation.

"H-How ar-"

"How am I here?"

Eren nodded,but scolded himself when he thought of how useless nodding is.

"I was born blind. Not stupid. All of my other senses are sharp. I've made sure of that. I still might need help of a few things,but I've made it this far. So, why not go out meaning something. If I die do to a titan, I died not feeling sorry for myself. I died not feeling sorry for being blind. No, I die proud I made the best of things."

Eren almost joined her with his own tears at such words. He couldn't imagine living like (Y/n) had to. All he knew was that she wouldn't die in a titan's hands. (Y/n) would die naturally with one hand in his.

{This is for the awesome   

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