Agreed? ~ Roman Torchwick {Modern!AU}

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        (E/c) orbs scanned the perimeter for what seemed to be the thousandth time. You always had to be on the lookout. 


Well, because you never knew.

You never knew.

        You never knew when one of them will find you. Indeed, only one has ever found you,but the one that found you could be your downfall. So, the number one priority was to stay away from the White Fang.  Most importantly, don't let that cane wielding bastard find you. Well, don't let him find you again. 

        Yes, after Blake left, your vision of the 'group's' action was unclouded. You thought this was just a place for the different to be normal. You saw this as another family, that would do nothing but keep their arms outstretched towards the week. But no, the leaving of one of your partial friend, made you see what this really was.

It was a gang.

The White Fang didn't start this way,but all that matters is that it is now. 

        Now, you could not possibly count how many crimes they have committed. So, you did the worst thing you could do,and you left them. So, that brings us to your eyes darting around for that orange pest. The one time he found you, you ran before any real confrontation could commence. 

        Your feet made a slight click on the concrete ground. The musky air filled your nostrils. Although, none of that concerned you. All that concerned you was what, or who, could be lurking in these dark streets. Because, now these thoughts were the only ones that swam in the confused ocean of thoughts. 

        Bricks aligned the sides of the ebony alleyway. Before you could even register what was happening, your back hit the cool bricks. The air was icy and unforgiving,but the unknown being in front of you made a cold sweat drip from your temple.

"I don't have any dust,okay! I swear."

A light chuckle reverberated off of the brick walls.

"I'm not looking to swipe anyone's drugs. Well, I suppose I'm not looking to steal anything, this time. Because, how can you steal your own property?"

Anger and shock inflamed you. You had been so careful for nothing. All of that time being paranoid was for nothing. And, how dare he say you were that retched gang's property. No, this was not going to happen.

"Fuck you,bastard. I refuse to be a slave to you and all of those other monsters."

A smug expression played on the edge of the man's lips. His green eyes bored into your very soul,as a black garbed hand tipped the rim of his bowler hat down.

"My my, do you kiss your mother with that mouth? And, may I remind you your one of those 'monsters'. Look at you, with that sorry excuse for a weapon."

Your eyes trailed down to the (Weapon) placed in a holster on your waist.

         A glint of agitation shinned in your (e/c) orbs.

"It's better than your cane, old man."

        You said this,but had to admit, his unique weapon was ahead of this time. You suppose, that's what made him such a threat to authority,that wanted him so bad.

"I'm afraid not, (Y/n). Oh, and for your statement earlier, I think we should get this little scenario over with before we consider that."

Your eyebrow slightly raised in annoyance. You had conversed with Roman only a little before you left,but you always had the same burning question.

"How do you manage to stay so nonchalant?"

If you were going to be forced back to that hell hole, or if this was the last time you would ever face him,you guessed you'd get some good questions in there.


Roman's arms grabbed your own. You were spun around in a way,that his mouth was inches from your ear.

His lips formed a slight smirk,as breath lightly fanned against your ear.

        Blood rushed to your face,as he did this. You knew anger was apart of the equation,but anyone with sight had to admit Roman was an attractive man. Still clawed at your last nerves,but yes, attractive.

"I don't find situations, especially this one, intimidating in the slightest."

"Roman, just what in the hell do you think your doing?"

        You knew fighting back would be in vain. You couldn't possibly to expect to be able to fight off Roman.

"We've been through this. I'm claiming property back."

You thrashed in his grip.

"I've already told you! I don't belong to your group of heartless beings."

You were pinned to that freezing wall once more. A chill ran up your spine, upon contact.

"You may not want to belong to the gang anymore,but I suppose I can let that slide."

        Now you were skeptic. You've seen people be killed for betraying the White Fang. That was your biggest fear,when you left."

"Of course, this will be the one and only time I ever let this happen,but under certain conditions, I can just say you're dead if questioned."

Your jaw slacked a tad bit in astonishment. You couldn't believe he would do that for you. Wait, why would he?

        Lips found yours and hungrily ravished them. This was out of the gentlemanly character for sure. Your brain could barely process what was happening,when his lips moved in a hypnotic motion atop of your own. This was not even on the list of things you predicted could happen.

        When you pulled away, only the smallest traces of lust could be found in both pairs of eyes, in the night. 

"The conditions are that you don't belong to White Fang anymore. But me, that's a whole different situation. Agreed?"


{Well, reader, I guess it'll be left up to your brain what happens after that. This was requested by Amanranthe Sorry if Roman was too OOC! This was honestly my first time writing for RWBY.  So, sorry if this was shit!}

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