The Tunder Rolls ~ 1960s!Cheater!Levi

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The storm poured on. It was like all the pent up aggression of the world was heavily plummeting to the sky. Only a quarter till seven, and the skies were that of a rich smoke. That gray being overpowered by the clashing of vibrant lightning.

Ghost like. That's how the streets seemed. Vacant of almost any occupants. The small town's people had their shutters slammed tight, and tried to salvage some source of light reflecting from their cozy porches to help any poor soul traveling through this unheard of.

Ivory fingers tapped anxiously on the steering wheel, while it's counterpart bored holes into his wristwatch. There was not a single doubt in Levi's mind that (Y/n) was worried sick, over his absence. Well, she very well should be. Guilty, for that he was. He was heading back from somewhere he never should have even thought of going.

There wasn't enough southern charm in this little Louisiana town, to undo the great evil this boy has sicked upon his little wife. He practically cringed at the thought of what she'd do if he got caught.

Oh the Lord wouldn't have to strike him down, because she'd beat him to it. He knew that she could win in a fight with the devil, if she was mad enough. Ironically enough, hell is what it would be if he didn't find his way out of the back woods of Baton Rouge. It was in Levi's best interest to get back to New Orleans quick.

The contrast of the trees and the sky was evident, as Mrs. Ackerman looked out of her little ole' window. Bless her soul, she stood by the telephone, waiting to rush to her husband's rescue, if that's what it took. Every time that lightning hit, she flinched, hoping Levi wasn't gonna find himself in the cross-hairs of it. Her Ray Charles album playing softly, in the cozy living room.

Glossy tears, like a river, ran across her smooth cheek. All the questions in the world crossed her mind. It wasn't that long back, when she was talking to some of the girls, down by the old sycamore tree. Porcelain gloves, and sweet, lemon, tea was sitting on their little table. Mikasa and Hanji had been questioning about (Y/n)'s feelings on her husband staying to do overtime.

It was all okay, though. Town sweetheart, Petra Ral, was there to assure her that her husband was hard at work. (Y/n) was, to say the least, not too keen on the idea of the old high school sweetheart to be his secretary, but what could she do? But it's okay. She just brushed the snide looks off of she shoulders. After all, she was the wife. Not Ms. Ral. Right?

Soon. He'd be home soon.

Thank god he left her house, when he did. Any longer, and he wouldn't have made it through those muddy, Mississippi rode. Why was it so far away, he would never know. Petra was always sticking her nose in other people's business down here, anyways.

His (Y/n) detested gossip.

Petra loved it.

Petra liked attention.

(Y/n) liked to help out another in need, rather than treat herself.

Petra wanted to work.

(Y/n) wanted to make sure her husband had a warm bowl of food, and a clean spoon to eat it with.

They were like Yin and Yang. Maybe that's why he did it? Well, he probably never know why he did it, but once he did, he just went back. Then he did it again. It got to the point, where the only place he was ever at was 'work.'

Every light in that petite house was lit. The windows gleamed, and the bugs were held at bay. If she waited much longer, she'd make sure to give sheriff Erwin a ring. This wasn't normal. Although, she was prayin' it's the weather that's kept him out all day.

"All these thoughts are just plain poison."

She needed to extinguish the flickering flame of doubt she held. Walking outside, the wind swarmed through the country air. On her bare feet, (Y/n) could feel the mixture of rain and misty dew on her feet. And just when she was starting to feel at peace, She could see Levi pulling up, in the drive.

She runs up to hold that stunning man, as the car slams shut. A small smile escapes Levi's lips, as he sees her sprint to him, with open arms. Both damp by the rain, they embrace another's warmth and serenity.

Something was off.

(Y/n) stiffened up, and abruptly let go, of Levi's warm embrace.

This caused Levi's brows to furrow, in slight confusion. What in the world happened now?

The thunder rolled out across the shrieking winds of the south. As the thunder strikes down, (Y/n) gazed at him. Lips in a thin line, the wind lightly carried her (h/c) tresses. The lightning flashed in her eyes, and suddenly, he knew that she knows.

Both hearts beat to an irregular beat. Levi's being that of a heavy pounding. It was as if an abused drum was transplanted directly inside.

(Y/n)'s seemingly halted all together.

"Levi Ackerman. You have until the next strike of lightning to explain why in the hell you smell of that woman's perfume."

The tears had come back once again, but these tears had anger and disbelief threaded into them. She knew it. She knew.

Levi stood. He didn't dare move. Maybe he should try to come up with an explanation. No. The look in (Y/n)'s eyes.

He knew no matter what he said, she already knew the truth.

"Damn bastard!"

They were standing toe to toe, and at that exact moment, a hit of lightning hit at the same time as the thunder rolled.

"You must think I'm as stupid as... well, you! I knew there was no way in hell your job kept you out till the next mornin'."

The tears mixed with a laughter, that was vacant of any humor. That small whiff of perfume, that the wind carried over, was enough to confirm her curiosities.

"Well Mr. Ackerman, I hope you like her damn house so much, that her fiance let's you bunk with em'!"

Now, it was Levi to stand slack jawed. He didn't know what to make of that information. Since when did that bitch get a fiance?

"Oh, isn't that just rich!"

(Y/n) stood, with her strong arms crossed over her damp chest. Ignoring the striking rain, her expression now held a tad of satisfaction.

"Little Miss red has been going with the sheriff. What? Did you think the prestigious, married offshore man was the only one she wanted? Well honey, I guess you just went and lost you a whore and a woman. So, I guess you better get your stuff-"

She walked closer to her 'husband' and tightened her grip around the collar of his neck. Faint remains of tears ran down Levi's face. He was silently pleading for it to be covered by the rain.

"- the hell out of my house. You're mighty lucky, too. I heard the church let's the dogs sleep on the sheltered steps, in the rain."

Levi just dropped to his knees.

"(Y/n)! Please don't do thi-"

Off into the house,she went.

As she slammed the doors, on that ole' summer night, the thunder rolled out onto the heavy skies.  

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