To Build a Home ~ Armin x ill!Reader

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Like something out of a scene of the purest fiction, in the forest rest a large patch of open land. The cherry blossoms in delicate swarms, like butterflies slowly drifting. The crystal lake only laying feet from it. The trees making a canopy of safety round it's precious, hidden wonders it beheld. It was as if the forest was consciously aware of the beauty that needed to be withheld from the ravenous eyes of mankind. Yet, two managed to find it, and in the midst of is they sat, hands entwined like the overlapping limbs of the trees.

He looked on, as the light breeze ran through her the (h/c) tresses, like the fingers a skilled musician, on a harpsichord. He always did claim his lover was of angelic decent. With a mind so bright and a spirit so bright, was he insane to make such an assumption?

Yet suddenly, he relinquished his pale appendage from theirs, as he went to get the supplies he had brought with him. (Y/n) smiled at that little genius, as (e/c) orbs gleamed with fondness, looking at him setting up his portable generator. How his brows would scrunch to meet each other, as he focused. (Y/n) knew Armin would have perfection, and nothing less.

The lights looked like glowing spheres of diamonds, as Armin weaved them between the tree branches. The sun was making a slow decent. Armin reached a point, where he was starting to struggle a tad bit. He had finished stringing the lights, but he was attempting to set up the large sheet. The struggle came between trying to pin it, and hold it down.

(Y/n)'s face looked disturbed and uneasy at the struggle of the precious blond.

"I'll help! Let me help!"

Armin's eyes immediately widened, in horror.

"(Y/n), no!"

Trying to get up, (Y/n) immediately landed with their face settled into the dirt.

Armin gave no mind to the falling sheet, as he rushed to (Y/n)'s side.

Tears pooled out of (e/c) eyes. Tiny sobs clawed their way from the dirt smudged lips. Armin's soft fingers lightly wiped the dirt away from his poor beloved's skin.

(Y/n) wrapped their arms around his petite body, as he pulled their head between his shoulder and neck, making light strokes through the smooth hair.

(Y/n) took in the pleasant scent. Without Armin, the world meant nothing.

Armin was attempting not to join (Y/n)'s tears, but it was no use.

"Why would you try to get up, (Y/n). You know you don't have enough left in you to do things like that!"

It may have taken just about every ounce of strength in them, but (Y/n) lifted a hand, to clasp over Armin's.

"I just wanted to help."

These innocent words brought a light smile to beam from Armin.

Well, why don't you just let me set up? This day is for you.

(Y/n) just watched. (Y/n) remembered a time, where they would be right beside Armin, helping him with everything possible, but now, (Y/n) could barley get dressed without assistance.

One day, (Y/n) had a stroke. The doctors were just as baffled as (Y/n) and Armin. How could someone be healthy one moment, and have everything crumble to oblivion the next blink of an eye?

Armin was the spouse. The decision was all up to him. Let his love die, or take the change of the movement of their legs and torso forever gone? Obviously, Armin decided that he wanted (Y/n) around him. He didn't care if it was selfish, he just wanted his (Y/n).

"Armin, you know I love this movie."

"All the more reason to just listen and enjoy it."

The night sky's starts gleamed bright, but not as much so as the shinning lights, in the trees. That pest of a sheet finally hanging, and (Y/n)'s favorite movie playing on it. Armin only wished that the pure joy that was on their face could last an eternity. The movie would end soon, probably bringing that smile along with it.


Only that voice managed to pull him out of a daze, and yet bring him into another one.


His voice was small. It was small, as if not to disturb (Y/n)'s peaceful expression.

"I hope you know, that you made the last few days something that I'll remember forever. I don't know if there's a heaven, hell, or if we just always find our way back, but you can bet that you're not done with me."

Once again those tears had found their way back.

Something was seriously wrong with (Y/n). Not only that stroke, but all of (Y/n)'s physical strength was deteriorating, from something they assumed to be unrelated. Then again, what did anyone know?

Last few days.....

They had (Y/n) on some medication to slow the decline of their health,but why just drag out the pain. It may have taken Armin a lot of time and tears to agree, but (Y/n) had decided to quit the medication. Meaning tonight would be her last.



"Remember me as I am, yours."

"I love you."

(Y/n)'s smile gleamed brighter then Armin had ever seen.

"Armin, I love you, the home and life we've built, and most importantly, I love us."

I feel like I grossly jumped around a lot.....

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