She's Crafty ~ France

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Probably cursing

(slight) sexual content


He never fathomed it would be this way.How could things turn out like this? Francis would have to admit to playing over every possible way this could have ended in his mental cavity.Now,he just sat. He was stunned beyond compare.

~~~~Not that long ago~~~~  

       Francis drove along the road slowly. The obsidian sky was laced with silver specks of stars,gleaming upon humanity. They aided their hearts and guided their creativity. He was looking at the road in front of him.  

      You see,the French Man was in quite the situation. His roommates,Gilbert and Antonio, were out on the town. There was no doubt in the young man's mind, that his two best friends were shitfaced in some bar or club. He would have been right along with them,but it seems that they left when Francis was going to get more wine. 

       This wouldn't have been a problem if,Francis wouldn't have forgotten the keys to the shared apartment. Now,this was a solvable problem. Or at least it would have been. It seems that the Prussian and Spanish men were not answering their phones. This is what brings him to his current situation. 

       He was in his car with a wallet,a few bottles of wine,and candy bar. Why was he driving? Well,he didn't really have anywhere to go at the moment. Don't get him wrong,Francis loved to party and have a good time,but he just didn't feel like it tonight. Eventually,everyone needed a break from partying. Even the smooth talking blond.  

      The sleek car then came to a halt. Francis's blue eyes peered at the sight before him. The park was in a peaceful state,unsoiled by the contact of a human. Although,that would be undone,as the children arose with a plethora of energy and started frolicking among the mulch. 

       Francis's attention was soon captured,as a decently rough knock sounded off of his window. His eyes held a look of question,as the scenery before him seemed to lack the presence of another. A black shoe placed its self out of the car,as the snazzy gentleman followed. 

         Francis looked around,bewildered. Then,he spotted something he was not expecting against his car. There was a woman leaning against the car.

        One ankle was slightly propped up on another,as her hand ran through her (h/l) (h/c) locks. The clothing that adorned her figure would make any person fall to their knees. This woman had on leather shorts that hugged her slightly. Her (Band) shirt showed very few of her beautiful curves,but the ones they did show, would put anyone under her spell. A black tie,harboring various band names on it, was tied loosely around her neck. A smirk was set firmly on her (color) lips.

        When he regained his senses,Francis found he was slack jawed staring at the unknown beauty. Immediately,Francis went into autopilot. Although,it seems at though his flirty nature had vanished for a moment. 

       He was positive that every woman was pretty,but he was sure this was the most gorgeous girl to ever have been created. Her luscious legs took a few steps forward. This action repeated until,she was right in front of his stunned figure. 

       Her delicate (s/c) digits roughly took the fabric of his shirt into her hands. Her warm breath,smelling of divine mint, lightly fanned his face. Her (e/c) orbs were locked on his. 

       He searched her eyes for emotion,as she did the same to him. He saw the raw confidence. It almost jumped at him. This girl wasn't scarred to go get what she wanted,and it seemed that would possibly Francis. 

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