Float On Alright ~ Marco x Reader

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Tensions were higher than the blistering heat of that very day.

It was the day of the expedition.

"Squad Leader, (L/n), are you sure this is a good idea?"

Looking over at the cadet, you simply shrugged. Your face held a unfazed expression, to the terrifying monsters you all were about to face.

You didn't care anymore. You couldn't care anymore.

Ever since they took Marco away from you, what was the god damn point? It seems that Erwin mistaken your new attitude as dedication to the cause. How could he not see that you only focused on killing all of those bastards precisely, to numb the pain? When you had seen what had happen to such a sweet, precious man, it felt like the world had just lost the war.

Well, no, you had lost the war. The war of life.

If you had not seen it, you would have thought that they were all lies, that not a single scratch was on his beautiful, freckled face. That face that filled your heart with determination.

"Honestly, cadet, I couldn't care less."

The cadet just fiddled with their straps. Suddenly, all of your squad found the leather material quite intriguing.

You had a plan. A damn good one. Well, at least you thought so.

"Did you run this plan by Corporal or the Commander?"

You slightly turned your head, to let the feeling on your venomous glare hit the young male, that had said that. God, he reminded you of your best friend, Jean. Only you could tolerate Jean. You didn't warm up to each other at first, but for Marco, you would have thrown Jean a festival if that's what Marco deemed fit.

"Stanley, if you don't watch your tone, when addressing me, instead of being scared of the Corporal, people are going to piss their pants at the thought of how bad I kicked your ass. Are we understood?"

Stanley being himself, he just mumbled something about 'those damn tea lovers'. That was a new one. Ever since you became bitter, people often compared you to the stoic man. You two were pretty good acquaintances, so you found a tiny bit of humor, informing him of this.

But, this was not a time for humor. This was an expedition.

Everyone knew there was nothing you detested more, than people fucking around during these times, for obvious reasons.

You did not hesitate to stomp over to the dark haired male, and jerk him by the collar. Eye-to-eye with you, his fear was evident.

"I suggest you do as I say, unless you want me to send you to join the Commander, and have to explain to him why he has to treat an unruly cadet as a child. Is that what you wish, kid?"

He shook his head violently. You almost felt a pang of guilt, for being so hard on him. Almost.

With that, you ordered your cadets to go through with the plan. You already wasted enough precious time messing around.

Your boots gave off a soft thump, as you walked.

Remember when you thought that this plan was a good one? You lied. You knew this plan was idiotic. You walked, but it was alone. You wanted your squad to be productive, while you visited a certain spot.

Running calloused fingers into your matted, (h/c) locks, you thought of all that took place. When shit went down, it plummeted fast.

Right after Marco...passed... all the things about the female titan were reveled. You couldn't believe what was said. When you were told about the fellow Corps members being shifters, it baffled you. Dealing with grief and that, wasn't such a peachy idea.

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