Rescue Me ~ Levi

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  Levi x Yandere!Reader

You went through hell and back to bring him here. And you knew, you would never let him go. No matter how many times his distressed curses were sent to your ears in sharp waves,or his handsome face actually looked defeated,you wouldn't do it. You couldn't do it.

It took far too long to find the right drugs to put in his tea to make him vulnerable. So, as his body was still as the sky on that dark night, you carried him off. Off to where you knew he wouldn't have to ever leave your side again. Levi was yours.


And, if you couldn't have him, no one could. Yes that strong little bastard tried to escape. Oh, did he ever try to. Yet, you had taken precautions. You made sure he wouldn't have the strength to leave you.

"Damn you to hell, (Y/n)."

These words formed holes in your heart,yet you knew he didn't mean it. It was just his personality. Or at least, that's what you told yourself to believe. He loved you. He had to. You were the perfect soldier,and it was all for him.

Every spec of dust was eliminated. Every titan in sight eliminated. Even Petra, eliminated.

You did it all for him.

Why couldn't he see that.

"I love you."

You voice was light as the feathers in the special pillow you had bought for him. Yes, you made sure he was treated as best as possible. After all, that's what every man looks for in a wife,yes? That's what you wanted more than anything. Mrs. Ackerman. That had to be the best thing you could fathom.

"Do you love me?"

Levi would visibly cringe at those words. For months, he said no. He would be relentless in his efforts to get that across to you.

But, he learned that was not the brightest idea when, you denied him food and any human interaction for a week. You told him it hurt you more than it did him,and he believed you. Never in his wildest dreams, did he think one could be so captivated with him. He was afraid he never would understand.

How could he?

"Levi? Are you going to answer?"


At this point, he wasn't sure of anything. All he knew, was that this was his new life and he had to go with it. What else could he do in the state you put him in?

A soft,(s/c) hand caressed his cheek. At this point, he welcomed it and leaned in to the warmth of the touch.

"I knew you would come around,Levi. After all, I rescued you from such a horrid world."

The stoic man broke. Silent tears made there way out of his dull eyes.

"Thank you."

He didn't know what else to say. But then again, did it even really matter anymore?  

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