At the house

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Harry awoke the next morning feeling refreshed. It was the weekend not only that, it was a Hogsmade trip! He got dressed in jeans, a button flannel, and his jacket. Ron got dressed too and they both headed downstairs to the Great Hall. They found Hermione already there, her nose buried in a book as if nothing about her had changed. They exchanged their usual morning greetings and began to help themselves to breakfast. 


Hedwig came soaring down to land in front of Harry with a letter addressed to him. It did have a return address but it read;


Thank you again for last night. I could barely walk this morning and have been fantasizing about our next little meeting. Meet me at the Room of Requirement tonight at 8:30. I have a surprise for you ;)”

The letter was not signed, but had a lipstick impression at the bottom.

“Mate, why didn’t you tell me you were fooling around with someone?!?” Asked Ron

“Oh I just.... didn’t want her to draw too much attention or.... you know. Can’t have people finding out, especially Voldemort.” Harry replied.

“Oi! Don’t say his name!” Ron flinched.

“Sorry” Harry said unapologetically

They finished their meal quickly and he and Ron hurried to get to Hogsmade. Ginny ran into them, “Oh hi Harry!” She said with a smirk on her face

Harry replied with a polite, “Hello”. He kept walking with Ron. As they walked across the grounds, Harry became more excited, his parents were going to meet at the Three Broomsticks today. They trudged through the cold air and made their way to the warm pub. Harry immediately spotted his mom and dad. James looked liked an older version of Harry, his untidy hair and piercing blue eyes stood out. Lily was a well figured lady. She could pass for a milf. Her long red hair shined in the sunlight. Harry also spotted his younger sister Violet, who resembled her mother. He ran to hug his family.

“Harry!” Lily exclaimed as she embraced her son. “Him Mum!” He replied

“Hello son!” James exclaimed 

After the greeting the Potters and Ron sat down to some Butterbeer. The air around them became lighter and the whole mood of the pub was bouncy and cheerful.

So son how are your classes? Are you making good use of your time?” Mr Potter asked

“Yes dad.”

“Oh and Ron, we ran it by your mother, you’re able to stay with us over Christmas holiday. We’ve also talked to Hermione’s parents as well.”

Harry’s imagination just kicked into gear. The thought of fucking Hermione on his own bed on Christmas Eve was turning him on.

“Harry dear, are you okay?” Lily asked. She noticed that her son had zoned out at the mention of Hermione’s name. An hour passed by and Harry and Ron said their goodbyes and proceeded to Honeydukes and continued their shopping.


Later that night, Harry snuck to the Room of Requirement and arrived precisely at 8:30. A note was taped to the door.

“Harry, my surprise for you is inside. I hope you like it. For this experience, I will not be talking. Here is a spell that will make your penis grow to your desired length, you may make this permanent by saying “suspendo erecto”

Now come in here and fuck me!”

Harry stuffed the note in his pocket and opened the door and sure enough, there was Hermione kneeling  in the middle of the room, with red lace lingerie on. Harry walked over to kiss her. She kissed him hard and her hands reached for his belt. She undid his pants and pulled them and his boxers down to his ankles. Harry pulled out his wand and started to extend his dick to thirteen inches and suspended the growth. He knew of other boys that did this but had never done this to himself before.

 Hermione watched in awe as she saw her favorite dick extend to an enormous length. She bit her lip and reached for it. She started to slowly pump Harry’s penis along the shaft. Harry moaned and his knees were buckling from the pleasure. Hermione made sure that his dick was nice and hard and started lick from the base to the tip. Harry pulled her hair back as she moved back and forth. Harry could feel the pressure rising in his dick, Hermione sensed it too and stopped licking him. She stood up and grabbed him by the hand and pushed him down onto the bed. She removed her bra and let Harry suck on her tits. They were so heavy, and warm. The sensitivity in her nipples turned her on even more. She pushed him back more and straddled him, grinding her pussy along his shaft. 

She finally removed her panties and guided Harry’s cock into her opening and began to ride him. Harry grabbed her ass as she bounced up and down, watching her tits jiggle with every movement

“Oh fuck Hermione! That’s a good girl, fuck you make me so horny.”

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