Hermione and Harry

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A small twinge of electricity shot from Harry's ears, to his heart, and to his dick. He wasn't so innocent. He had wanked to several girls before during the late hours of the night in his own bed. Hermione had come across his mind once or twice, but he quickly put it out his mind and focused on Cho Chang or Ginny or Katie Bell.

Realizing it had been a full minute since Hermione gifted him with an awesome revelation, he spoke, "Okay, so how can I help you?"

"Hear me out Harry," she continued, "both of us are under some amount of stress. It's not good to be that way. In order to release that stress, I figured we could practice some light bondage and well.... explore each other

Harry again could not believe what he was hearing. Hermione, his best friend, was suggesting that they should have kinky sex. Ron was definitely missing out on this.

Hermione pulled out a pair of handcuffs, a gag, and a blindfold from her bag. Had she planned this? Or was this just another sick dream Harry would wake up from?

"Hermione, I'd be glad to help you. What should we do?" Harry asked

"Just stand still." Hermione said as she took out her wand and gave it a wave. Both of their clothes had vanished leaving them naked in front of each other. Harry couldn't believe his eyes. Hermione hid her curves with her robes. She had 36 D breasts and wide hips. Her ass was slightly bubbly. Her skin was light and her nipples were already hard.

Harry's cock was instantly growing, he had never really thought of himself as "big" but his 7 inch dick could get the job done.

Hermione stood up and slowly made her way to Harry. She kept eye contact as she knelt in front of him, her mouth just inches away from the tip of his penis.

Harry take the handcuffs and put them on me"

He obeyed and grabbed the wonderful metallic sex restraints. He put them on Hermione' wrist and brought the other so that her hand s were behind her back. He walked back so he was again in front of her, his cock already rock hard.

Hermione licked her lips and flicked the tip of Harry's dick with her tongue. She slowly started to kiss his head and shaft and lightly sucked on his balls. Harry moaned and swore while trying to find his breathe. Every wave of ecstasy was making his knees weak and they were just getting started.

Hermione started to take Harry's manhood in her mouth inch my inch. She had heard from Ginny how to give a blowjob and was trying her best to remember every detail, but Harry seemed to be swimming in pleasure to care if she was doing it correctly. As she figured out how to breathe with so much meat in her mouth she started to bob her head up and down faster. Harry moaned even more as he grabbed a handful of Hermione's hair and helped her bob up and down with more force. Eventually she was deepthroaing him.

Harry could not believe it. His best friend was sucking his dick and she was his to control. Forget Ginny or Cho. All he could think about was Hermione. The pressure started to build up in his shaft and he felt his balls churn.

"Hermione! I'm.... I'm gonna... cum soon!"

The Brightest Witch took that as a challenge and started sucking faster, using her tongue to stroke under his shaft. Harry trembled for a second and Hermione forced his dick all the way to the back of her throat. Hot streams of cum erupted from Harry and shot down Hermione's throat as if it were putting out a great fire. She swallowed all of it and licked his dick clean.

It took a moment for Harry to catch his breathe, "Hermione, that was fucking amazing."

"We're just getting started."

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