Special night

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She stood there in the shape of his mother. He knew it wasn’t his actually mother. Lilly Potter would never be standing in front of her son while rubbing her heavy breasts. Harry looked at her, he had just shot streams of cum on her. Harry grabbed his wand and was running the tip over the streams to clean it off of her, then suddenly the door opened and a plump redhead barged through and quickly shut the door to the compartment behind him.

“Harry! What the bloody hell are you doing mate?!” That’s your mum!” Ron yelled, he couldn’t stop himself from taking a quick glance at the amazing tits of Mrs. Potter. “This is sick! It’s wrong! Do you have any idea what kind of trouble this coul-“

“Stupefy!” Hermione shouted with her wand pointed at Ron’s temple. He slumped to the floor. 

“Blimey I really hate it when he rambles on about something he doesn’t know anything about.” Said Hermione. “Harry get dressed, I’ll wipe his memory from the past hour and we need to make ourselves and the room look exactly how it was.” 

There was something running through Harry’s mind as they were putting everything back into place. How had Ron seen them? Harry looked over the window shades, there was a tiny sliver where he could see the other side of the train. Fuck! What if they had gotten caught? He thought. He pointed it out to Hermione, in her normal form, as she analyzed the situation, she felt that Ron just barely caught a glimpse of what happened and didn’t give it much thought. They both looked at each other for a long minute and continued to reset everything about the room. Harry finally got dressed and put Ron on the bench. 

“Obliviate.” Hermione casted the spell. 

Ron was still knocked out by the time they got to King’s Cross. Harry woke him up, then the three of them grabbed their trunks and departed from the train. Mr and Mrs. Potter were standing there with Violet, Harry’s sister. They all embraced and exchanged greetings and hurried to the car. The cold London air stung Harry’s face, he had never liked the cold, but he did enjoy Christmas. The lampposts were decorated with festive wreathes and lights. The car ride lasted about an hour until they came to Godricks Hallow. It felt great to be home. Mrs. Potter had everyone put their luggage away. Ron would stay in Harry’s room and Hermione with Violet.

Harry checked the loose floor board by his bed to see if his stash was still their. Magical nudie magazines and a head honcho. Had he had known that this recent semester he would have been fucking the shit out of Hermione, he would have not wasted so much galleons on his collectibles. They all finished unpacking and came downstairs to socialize more and recount the past two months.

Later that night

Harry was lying awake in bed and Ron was fast asleep. Harry heard a piece of parchment slip under the door. It read:

Meet me downstairs.

Harry could tell it was Hermione’s handwriting. He grabbed his invisibility cloak, one of his ties, a special vial of enlargement potion, and his wand and headed downstairs. He was careful to stay quiet. Getting caught by Ron would be nothing compared to being caught by his parents. Hermione was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. She was dressed in a tank top and some very tight shorts. She pressed her finger to her lip and motioned for him to follow her. They tiptoed to the family library and shut the door behind them. Harry silently cast a muting charm on the door, no one would hear them for as long as the spell was cast. 

Hermione quickly embraced her lover with passion. Pressing her lips against his and running her fingers through his hair. Harry moved his hands to her firm ass and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and Harry pushed her body against the wall. He soon developed a strong erection from having her warm body up against his. Hermione felt it too and released herself from the wall. She threw off her tank top exposing her bare breasts. Harry lifted his hand struck her hard on the ass. Hermione moaned as she felt her stinging fatty tissue jiggle from his roughness.

“Come on daddy. Be rough with me!” She begged

Harry placed his hand on her butt again, grabbing as much as he could to feel to her warmth in his hand. With his wand in his other hand he transfigured the study table into a queen sized bed. He threw her onto the bed and swallowed his potion. He pulled out the tie and wrapped it around her wrists. 

“Don’t put your hands below your head.” He commanded she grinned as she obediently restrained herself. She spread her legs so Harry could remove her shorts. He grabbed them felt that she wasn’t wearing any panties. What a dirty girl. Once they were removed Harry slipped out of pajamas and started to kiss her neck. Moving his way down her torso he briefly sucked on both her nipples, making them hard and shiny from his spit. He journeyed on by kissing her tight stomach and milky thighs. Hermione was moaning with pleasure, she knew what he was going to do and wanted it so badly. Sensing her anticipation Harry dove into her crotch, his lips connecting with her clit. Violent waves of pleasure soared through Hermione, she was twitching in every place, relishing in his touch. He used his tongue to lick around her clit, making sure the tip of his tongue would make tight circles around it

Oh fuck Harry! Keep doing that!” Hermione screamed as she wrapped her thighs around his head. Harry had no choice but the lick her opening all the way up. He kissed and sucked on different spots until his tongue started to dart in and out of her. Hermione started to vibrate, her breathe was being suspended by the pressure until she squirted on Harry’s face.

Not giving her the chance to recover, Harry flipped her over and brought her ass up to his level. He shoved his cock all the way in her pussy in one stroke. She screamed at this surprise, her vagina was still tightening and now his 13 inches were lodged into her.  Harry felt the tightness and found it to be the most amazing feeling of his entire day. He stayed there for a second and started pump his cock in and out.

Her cheeks were clapping against his hips. Everything felt perfect to both of them. Harry shoved deeper until he found her cervix. He started to thrust faster. This bitch was his property and he was going to remind her. 

“Fuck fuck fuck... OH SHIT.... pound my pussy baby!” Hermione screamed at the top of her lungs. Harry felt it coming. “Baby, I’m.....close” Harry warned her. “You getter not pull out! Fuck me, shoot that cum in me.” Harry felt something different about this orgasm, it was more sensitive. He smacked her ass as he kept thrust back and forth. Finally he couldn’t hold it any longer and released right at her cervix. Harry felt himself coming for a full minute. Rope after lengthy rope filled the tiny cracks in Hermione’s pussy. By the end they were both panting and holding each other as they tried to find their breathe. 

Harry finally spoke, “I know that was a shorter session, but was it-“ he was cut off short,  Hermione had kissed him hard on the mouth. Once they broke off the kiss she whispered,

“It was amazing”

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