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A cool breeze shook my body awake.

'Fuck' I grumbled while taking in my surroundings.

After I left the boys  house I decide to take a much needed walk around campus to try and settle my nerves.

My legs started to grow weak after a while of walking. I chose to lie down on a patch of green grass and gaze up at the black night sky studded with gleaming stars.

I hadn't even realized I closed my eyes but I guess I did and fell asleep.

Denver texted me in the middle of my walk and ask if I was ok with her and Emma spending the night at the guys house. I told her that she didn't need my permission and that spending some time alone would actually do me some good.

It was sweet of her to ask though. I truly love our friendship.

I reached for my phone, which was lying beside me on the grass, and checked the time: 3:12 a.m. I noticed a a bunch of missed calls and text messages, but before I even got the chance to glance at them or see who they were from my phone turned off. 'Shit'. It died.

I stood up from the grass and began making my way back to my dorm. It was getting chilly out, and much quieter than when I first started walking. To be fair unintentionally I've been out for like five hours.


I finally reached my dorm room.

I was about to pull the key to the door out of my pocket when noticed that it was already unlocked.

'That's weird' I thought to myself but quickly shrugged it off. We must of forgotten to lock it when we left.

I pushed the door open and turned the living room light on

I jumped back. "Jesus", I placed my hand over my heart, trying to slow down my breathing after almost having a heart attack.

"What the fuck Chance?!" I raised my voice. He was sitting on the couch staring into my soul, clearly pissed off. I swear I could see smoke coming out of his ears.

"Where were you?!" His tone was intimidating.

I looked at him wide eyed. 'What the fuck!'

"Get out"

He didn't move, he just switched his gaze to the floor in front of him.

"Chance I'm not kidding get the fuck out!" I raised my voice and aggressively pointed a finger to the door.

He can't just break into my fucking dorm room at three in the morning and demand answers from me. Who the fuck does that? Who does he think he is?

His eyes snapped back to mine and his jaw ticked. "Where were you?!" He growled

I scoffed , "Who the fuck to you think you are?", " I don't have to tell you shit" I snapped back while walking further into the living room.

Chance's eyes narrowed, "Don't raise your voice at me"

"I can do what ever the fuck I want, you don't own me!" I yelled, I'm really getting tired of his dick behaviour.

What I said really pissed him off. Chance stood from the couch and walked towards me.

I took a couple steps back to keep some distance between us.

"Can you please just leave" I pleaded while looking down at my feet.

"Why?" He gently spoke

'I'm done'

"Because I can't give you what you want"

"Lydia what the hell are you talking about?!"

My eyes snapped up to his and started to water "I can't do this anymore Chance!"

"Do what?!"


He interrupted me before I finished, "What are you talking about?", His voice softened when he saw a tear roll down my cheek.

Chance one again stepped closer. "I can't have you fuck me then leave ok!" I screamed at him while sobbing, unable to control my anger or contain my cries.

As he looked into my puffy red eyes that wouldn't stop watering, his tone was sad and his eyes were full of concern. "How do you know I would leave?".

With every step he took forward I took one back, but eventually my back collided with the wall.
Chance quickly pressed his palms against the wall, trapping me before I could move.

"Because all you want to do is get in my pants!" I screamed while pushing his chest as hard as I could, but he didn't move an inch.

"I DONT WANT TO FUCK YOU!" He screamed punching the wall beside my head, causing me to flinch.

I hiccuped trying to catch my breath. "W-what?" I said after a few moments of silence.

"I don't want to fuck you" Chance repeated quietly matching my tone. He himself was trying to slow down his breathing.

"Y-you don't" I looked up into his eyes and saw that they were glossed over.

Chance pressed his chest against mine and gently placed a hand on my face, using his thumb to caress my cheek and wipe the tears away.

"I mean of course I do. But that's not all I want"

I titled my head to the side questioning what he meant.

"I want you" he quickly added. "All of you. Every single one of your perfect imperfections".

Chance leaned in closer.

"You want m-me?". I need to make sure I'm not just hearing the things I wanna hear.

His thumb went down to my lips as I'm licked his own.

"I think about you all the time. I can't stop" "and honestly I don't want to"

I bit my lip; and Chance immediately used his thumb to pull it out of my mouth.

"You gotta stop doing that" his breathing became heavy, like an Olympic runner who had just finished an intense marathon.

I could feel his hot breath on against my mouth.
'Fuck' I groaned internally.
He's driving me crazy.

Without even thinking I grabbed the back of his neck and smashed my lips onto his.

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I'm sorry for the short chapter but with his I'm writing the next chapter I figured it would make more sense for this to be it's own chapter.

As I mentioned before the next couple chapters won't be fully edited when published because I really just want to get them out of the way and published.
But don't worry I will for sure edit them.

(I will do a full edit of my story once I've completed the book)

Lydia and Chance are driving me insane. Are they gonna get together or not!?

Keep reading to find out ;)

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