We Meet Again

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"How else do you react when you see the face of the man that broke your heart and learn you have to work with him for the next few months"

Teja's POV:

Its crazy right? Just how much could be given and taken in four months. I had always heard it takes half as long to get over someone as you were with them so four months later why am I not over a three-month relationship. The best part is I can't even call it a relationship because he never officially asked me. Now how do you explain still pining over that man? Maybe it's because I keep seeing our moments every time I open social media. Maybe it's because I never tried to move on. Maybe it's because of all that remains unsaid between us.

All these uncertainties but one thing remains certain, I would not be getting my questions answered any time soon. After all, how would it be possible when by the end of the show we had so much bitterness between us. Should I even want answers from someone who pushed me away like this? He says I pushed him away but that was for our own good. After the dragon task I was tired of fighting, of having expectations, of being hurt and I needed an escape. Yes I called for the break but always with the intention of starting again after the show ended. My words might have been harsh in that moment but my intentions never were.

It's weird. The man I used to respect so much, I can't even bring myself to feel an ounce of that anymore. I don't recognize the man I read about online or see on social media. The thing is at the end of the show I really did hate him but how can I continue to hate someone I haven't even seen in months. Yes, sure, I do still hold some anger towards him but now it's mostly hurt with a sense of loss. It has been longer since we broke up than we had been together but here I am still thinking about him.

Some days are easier than others but recently he's been on my mind a lot. It doesn't help that everywhere on social media there are rumors of him signing on for some project after being inactive professionally for the last three months. He's always been so picky about the work he chooses so its nice to know he found something he's interested in.

As for me, my motto since the show ended has been to keep myself busy. Except for one week, I shot continuously for Naagin and now that it just wrapped I signed myself up for another project. Staying busy means I can't think about what went wrong between us and I would gladly prefer that.

The car door opens and I'm glad because I finally have things to do that can distract me for a while. I'm walking to Netflix's office and I start feeling everything I usually do when starting a new project. The same excitement about starting something new, nervousness about whether I'll live up to what was imagined, and fear about how I'll get along with my co-stars. This time I am extra nervous because the male lead and I have not met or had screen tests like we usually would. The male lead was signed pretty late because the producers said they had someone in mind they really want to convince for this project. They seemed pretty confident they would wear him down and they finally did last night, hence this meeting.

I kept asking them for information but they didn't want to give out details until everything was confirmed. All they kept saying is that they were confident about our chemistry. I reach the meeting room and I recognize all the people in the room. I make some idle chitchat with the crew and then finally take my seat. The producers and directors come into the room and tell us that they're going to first narrate the plot and then more about our individual characters.

They start talking and I'm fully engrossed in the story. It'll be a romantic enemies to lovers drama based on India's 1% and how they consolidate power, not through business but marriage. I'm looking down reading some of the script when the door opens behind me and someone slips into the seat next to me.

I turn my head to look over at the person next to me and they turn towards me at the same time. My eyes meet his and both of our eyes widen. I quickly break eye contact and look down at the script again. Karan? Karan Kundrra? My ex-something? No no no. This can't be happening. I think I manifested him by thinking about him so much over the past week. Fuck no. This can't be happening. I quickly pinch myself to make sure I'm not hallucinating and the quick bite of pain reassures me this is real.

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