Broken Dreams

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"It was just me playing for my people and you just weren't one of them anymore"

I wasn't part of the people he called his even though all I wanted from the beginning was to be counted in his people.

*For extra feels play kabira in the background while reading*

Karan's POV:

I'm just so tired. I feel drained out and I don't know if what I'm doing is right but it feels like the only option right now. I usually would never do this but I feel like it's for the best. Teja might be mad at me when she finds out but it's the best for both of us.

Actually the more I think about it she may not care. I thought I understood her but maybe I didn't. Every second I spend around her I end up more confused about which version of Teja I will get. The one who pushes me away or the one who pulls me closer. As I leave the producer's office I feel oddly settled with what we discussed in that meeting. I think it truly was for the best.

"Karan" I turned around to see Riya had stepped out of the office into the hallway. "I just wanted to say we're going to miss you. I still think you would've been perfect for the role but I can't force you to stay"

I give her a hug and truly feel a little bad because I know if anyone wanted me in this project it was her. "Some things just aren't meant to be. Trust me she's a great actress and whoever you pair her up with, they'll shine."

I'm not just saying this to say it. I was in the back watching some of her solo scenes and saw the way she puts her whole heart into her work and she can't do that if she's working with me.

She crosses her arms over her chest and lets out a dry laugh. "I... I was going to try and convince you again but I don't think it's worth it, right?"

I let out a little chuckle. "Ya, I'm at peace with my decision. I would say good luck but I know this story and cast will do great"

I turn around to leave but I remember one last thing. "Just do me a favor and don't say anything to Teja today."

So yes I asked them to replace me as a lead. It's not my usual move to give up like this but I know it's for the best. I was divided between listening to my heart and my head. My head knows I have to leave but my heart, this stupid heart, is dying to spend time around her. But I know Teja is not going to be comfortable around me and I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt if they replaced Teja. I'll be fine but Teja should get the opportunity to work on a project of this scale and actually enjoy it.

This is why I told her it was pointless to have a conversation when she came to my vanity. I had already told Riya my decision by then and I didn't want to complicate things further with Teja.

"Karan," Riya said as she stepped into my vanity. "You wanted to talk?"

I sit down and gesture for her to sit as well. "I've been thinking about it and the situation between Teja and I won't work"

Riya adamantly shakes her head. "No Karan you just need to give it some time. The more you interact the more you'll feel comfortable around each other"

I let out a dry laugh and remember our conversation just earlier that morning where she made it clear she didn't want to spend a second around me. "Interact? That's the exact problem. She doesn't want to do that"

"Karan come on. I know today didn't go well but give it a day or two and you'll be able to act while setting aside your feelings for each other"

"That's what you're not understanding Riya. I can't set those feelings aside and every time I see her it's worse"

She gets a call and gets up to leave. "Karan you came into this project with the idea that this wouldn't work. You never gave it a fair chance."

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