Insecurities and Instincts

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"But the funny thing about instincts is they're so innately drilled into us that we don't realize what we've done until we're alone in the aftermath."

Teja's POV:

In the past 30 minutes I hear my phone go off a couple times and seeing who it is I immediately turn it off. My parents already went upstairs to sleep and I'm downstairs reviewing some lines for tomorrow. I'm pouring myself into my work hoping it'll keep me from having to think about him or what happened but the hurt is still there in the back of my mind. Realizing I'm not getting any work done at this rate, I start to head upstairs when I hear incessant knocking on our front door. I look at the time and my eyes widen because I'm pretty sure I know exactly who's at the door.

I run towards the door before my parents wake up and open it to find exactly who I expected. "What are you doing here? Have you even looked at the time? My parents are upstairs sleeping." As I tell him off, I step out of the house and close the door behind me to stop any noise from drifting inside.

Instead of answering any of my questions, he grabs my face to force me to look at him. "I don't know how it slipped my mind but I-"

I push him away from me. "I can smell all the alcohol on your breath. You thought it's best to come to my house drunk in the middle of the night? Go home please."

"Teja no I had to see you and apologize. I know I messed up."

"You have no idea how embarrassing it was. I kept telling everyone you're just on your way while watching each minute go by without any answer from you."

He tries to grab my wrist but I step back out of his way. "Don't be like this. You know I didn't mean to."

I hold my temples trying to prevent the headache I feel coming. "You know what the funniest part is, you haven't even said you're sorry but its fine because I don't expect you to either."

"Teja stop don't make this something bigger then it is. I am truly sorry which is why the first thing I did when I realized how badly I messed up is come here."

"All I've done for the past week is talk about this. How do you just forget? No one ever forgets the things that matter to them"

He runs his hands down his face in frustration. "You know I've barely slept this past week so I just didn't realize today was Thursday. You also could've reminded me."

I let out a forced laugh. "You cannot be serious. You're turning this around on me?"

"If you want to fight, can we table this until tomorrow. I have to be on set really early."

"If I want to fight? You're the one that came here. I didn't ask you to."

"Can you just drop that attitude?"

My eyes widen in shock. "Excuse me?"

"Teja please can we just talk normally without taunting each other"

I force myself to let out a breath. "Fine where even were you?"

"It was just a networking party that I didn't even want to go to. I saw your text saying you were tired so I thought I'd go for an hour or so."

I plead with him. "Why didn't you just call me today. This would've never happened."

He lets out a long sigh. "I don't know but I wish I did too. We're going to be okay right?"

I mutter out "I just need some time." This time when he starts pulling me for a hug I let him wrap his arms around me and when I open my eyes over his shoulder I see the flash of a camera. I quickly pull away. "You need to go. Someone's taking our picture."

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