Old Wounds and New Beginnings

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"If I had to choose between those dark times I faced and having you in my life, I'd always choose you. Even if I had to face that again, it would have all been worth it for having known you."

Teja's POV:

I wake up feeling like I'm surrounded by a furnace and am burning up. As I feel myself waking up I realize it's because I'm still fully dressed in the clothes from the day before and there's a pair of arms wrapped around me preventing me from going anywhere. I start to remember the events of the last night that led us to this place. The date, the conversations, the storm, the decision to stay at his place until the weather improved, telling ourselves we'd only close our eyes for a few minutes.

Shit. I never ended up telling my parents I wasn't coming home last night. I try to wiggle myself out of his hold and he lets out a groan of protest while tightening his arms and nuzzling his face into my neck. I want to get up but I feel so comfortable in that moment it feels like there's no incentive for me to do so. So I let myself lay there for another minute thinking over how lucky we are to find our way back to each other. Despite the fights, the anger, the resentment, it was nothing compared to the love we have for each other. Whatever's meant to be will be and hopefully we are something that was always meant to be.

Realizing I've spent another couple minutes laying in this bed, I slowly lift up his arm and move away before this wakes him up. Thankfully he's a deep enough sleeper that he doesn't notice and instead turns onto his stomach hugging the pillow I was sleeping on earlier. I lean over and kiss the top of his head and go into the bathroom to freshen up, taking my phone with me. Seeing my reflection in the mirror I realize that I need to take a quick shower. There's makeup from the night before and I feel gross from having slept in jeans the whole night. Before I do anything else though, I open my phone to see multiple notifications from my mom and dad asking me where I am, when I'm coming back, if I'm okay.

I don't read the rest of the messages and instead immediately call my mom. As I listen to the phone ring I just hope she won't be too upset. I know my mom can be kind of protective and can't imagine the panic she must have gone through. She picks up the phone and says "Good morning Teja. I-"

Cutting her off before she can say anything else, "Mummy I'm so sorry. After I saw Karan last night, we were waiting out the storm at his place and before I even realized I fell asleep. I totally meant to come home last night but the weather was so bad I didn't want to ask him to drive through it. I know I should have texted you last night but I genuinely didn't think I'd be-"

"Shhh Teja. I know. Karan called me last night. Around midnight he called explaining that you both fell asleep but everything's fine. He said he can wake you up and drive you over if that's what we'd be comfortable with. I told him it was fine and to just let you sleep. Didn't you see my message."

I go back and see a message from my mom saying: Karan called. Don't worry :)

I let out a sigh of relief. "No I just saw that now. I was so worried I had stressed you two out."

"We figured you were most probably still with him but it was good to hear from him that everything was fine." There's a pause with my mom murmuring something to someone off the phone. "Teja I need to go and make breakfast now. What time are you coming home?"

"I'll be home by lunch. Also sorry again for worrying you even a little bit."

"It's okay. Just be more careful in the future. Love you. Bye."

"Bye Mummy. Love you."

I hang up and can't help myself from smiling. Of course he would remember to call them. This is one of the things I missed the most about him. The unannounced gestures of care and protectiveness. The way I always knew he would be looking out for me and trying to make my life easier.

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