Time and Space

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"The thing is for me the people I care about are most important. I never stopped feeling for you and I miss you like crazy and the fact that I can't do anything about it is pissing me off."

Teja's POV:

I blink open my eyes and immediately want to close them with how much my head is pounding. I knew taking those shots last night was a bad idea but I needed to forget what happened. At the thought of that kiss, my fingers go to my lips as if I can still feel him there. That wasn't how I imagined us kissing the first time. Our lips had "accidentally" touched multiple times under the blanket but we both thought the first actual kiss would be on stage after one of us lifted the trophy. There's no use thinking about that now. I pull my hand away and force myself to sit up despite the dizziness that comes over me. I lean over and grab some medicine from the nightstand. After drinking some water, I finally force myself to look at my phone.

It's past noon but thankfully today I only have an evening shoot. I see messages from most of my friends and multiple missed calls from my manager, Arushi. I decide to start by calling my manager and I cross my fingers hoping I didn't do anything stupid last night. Leaning back against the headboard, I wait for her to pick up.


"Hi Arushi"

"Have you seen the numbers on the pap videos from last night? I know we said you didn't have to do anything to confirm the rumors but that pap appearance was such a good idea. Both of you have been trending since last night."

I rub my temples trying to force this headache to go away. "I hate to ask but what pap video?"

"The one of you leaving the club? Teja do you not remember that?"

I mutter "I may have drunk too much and blacked out last night."

"Oh god, Teja. You are so lucky no one saw you like that last night. I guess that's why he walked you to the car. I'm going to send you that video but in the meantime, I called about some new brand deals that were offered this morning. Amazon prime and a couple of other big brands reached out."

I rub my hand down my face. I totally am going to have to thank him for walking me out last night. I just really hope I didn't say anything embarrassing. I force myself to stop thinking about that and answer Arushi who's still on the phone. "Ya of course set up the meeting."

She hesitates for a second before she replies. "The thing is some of them want both you and Karan."

I grab the pillow next to me and bury my face into it letting out a small scream. There goes my plan to avoid him after saying thank you. I promise I'm not getting drunk again. I lift my phone back up and tell Arushi "Talk to his team. See what their response is."

"Will do. The money on these deals is really good. They weren't lying when they said these rumors would give you a lot of popularity. Anyways I had some more things to discuss but I'll let you rest. Talk to you later. Take care."

"Okay bye. I'll call you in the evening."

She hangs up and seconds later my phone buzzes with a message from her. I open it and it's a pap video. I look at the title "TejRan Romantic Moment Infront of Paps || Karan Walking Tejasswi to Her Car" and just lean back and close my eyes. See Teja this is why you don't drink this much. I force myself to play the video and I see myself completely tucked into his arm with the other blocking the cameras from getting close to me. He's staring straight ahead clearing a path with the paps but I'm only looking at him. If he ever watches this, he'll see the way I'm looking at him like I'm completely captivated by him. This is so embarrassing. But just looking at the video reminds me of all the times he would tuck me into his arms like that and my heart pangs a little as I miss that feeling. The feeling of being protected. The feeling of being at home.

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